1)Exhaust Hose Installation
The exhaust hose must be installed onto the unit before any further installation can occur.
a)Pull out about 6” of one end of the exhaust hose.
b)Screw the exhaust connector onto the exhaust hose in a clockwise motion.
c)Snap the exhaust connector into place in the back of the unit.
See below for a few notes about exhaust hose installation:
Mounting the exhaust hose
The suppl i ed exhaust hose can be ext ended f r om 16 i nches t o 63
i nches l ong f or mount i ng. For best oper at i on, use t he shor t est ,
st r ai ght est | possi bl e conf i gur at i on. |
Avoi d ki nks | i n t he hose, whi ch may |
dr ast i cal l y | r educe t he cool i ng |
power of t hi s uni t .
The l engt h of t he exhaust hose suppl i ed wi t h t hi s uni t i s speci al l y desi gned f or i t . Do not ext end i t l est t he uni t
mal f unct i on.