Film type setup

Before making a scan, the film type must be specified. Film type can be selected between color and black and white, positive and negative film. Film for prints is negative film. Slide film is positive film. Film type is selected from the list box in the main window.

Index scans

When a film holder is inserted into the scanner,



an index scan starts automatically; this func-



tion can be turned off in the preferences dialog



box (p. 40). All the frames in the film holder



are scanned. The frame number of the index



scan corresponds to the frame number in the



film holder. Press the index-scan button to



make another index scan and refresh the dis-



play. Images can be prescanned or scanned

Close button

without making an index scan.







Click the close button to close the index



palette. Clicking the index-scan button opens it






Scanner Notes

Index thumbnails remain in the display until another index scan. To initialize the index display and remove the current thumbnails press the control + shift + r (Windows) or command + shift + r (Macintosh).

Selecting index thumbnails

The thumbnail display allows the selection of single or multiple images for prescanning or scanning. Selected images can also be affected by the scanner software functions such as the rotate buttons. Simply click on a thumbnail to select it; the border darkens to indicate selection.

To select multiple images, press and hold the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) and then click on each image to be scanned. To deselect an image, click on the thumbnail a second time while holding the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh). To select consecutive images, press and hold the shift key and then click on the first and last images of the series. Press the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) and A key at the same time to select all frames.

Reverse order

Some cameras reverse-wind the film so the last frame is exposed at the beginning of the roll. When scanning film strips, the order of the index thumbnails can be reversed to correct the chronology by simply clicking the reverse- frame-order button. When the reverse-frame- order button is clicked again, the frame order follows the film holder frame order.


A prescan is useful for checking the image before the final scan is made as well as for applying image processing. While an image is displayed in the prescan tab after an index scan, AF is not used; the prescan button is yel- low. Make a prescan to judge the image.

Select the frames to be prescanned in the index palette. Click the prescan button in the main window to begin the prescan. Double clicking on the index frame also activates a prescan even if no thumbnail is displayed in the frame.

Fit-to-window button

Normally, index thumbnails and prescan images are displayed based on their size and resolu- tion. When the thumbnails or prescans are too large or small for the display area, clicking the fit-to-window button automatically resizes the images to fit the display. Clicking the button again displays the images at their original size. The magnification and grab tools cannot be used when this function is active.


Basic scanning