White balance is the camera’s ability to make different types of lighting appear neutral. The effect is similar to selecting daylight or tungsten film, or using color compensating filters in conventional photography. One automatic and four preset white-balance setting are available with still image and movie recording; white balance cannot be changed with digital subject programs. White balance is set in section 1 of the recording menu or in section 2 of the movie/audio recording menu (p. 38). White balance can be assigned to the controller (p. 57). When auto reset (p. 76) is active, the white balance is reset to automatic when the camera is turned off.


The Anti-Shake system minimizes the affect of camera shake, a slight blurring caused by subtle hand motion. Camera shake is more pronounced at the telephoto setting than at the wide-angle. Anti-Shake is employed when the shutter speed falls below a certain limit depending on the focal length in use. The effectiveness of Anti-Shake depends on the shutter-speed in use and the degree of shaking. The system may not work with moving subjects or when the camera is panned.

Anti-Shake-on indicator

When the system is active, the Anti-Shake indicator appears. When the shutter- release button is pressed partway down,

Automatic white balance compensates for the color temperature of a scene. In most cases, the auto setting balances the ambient light and creates beautiful images, even under mixed-lighting conditions. When the built-in flash is used, the white balance is set to the color temperature of the flash.

Camera-shake warning

Anti-Shake indicator

Anti-Shake-on indicator lights to indicate that Anti-Shake is active. Regardless of the Anti-Shake setting, if the shutter speed is too slow for the camera to be safely hand- held, the camera-shake indicator appears as a warning. Use the built-in flash or a wide-angle zoom position.

When one of the preset white-balance settings is selected, an indicator is displayed on the LCD monitor to indicate the active white-balance setting; the effect is immediately visible on the monitor. To record the ambient light, set the flash mode to flash cancel (p. 29). The built-in flash can be used with preset white-balance, but creates a pinkish or blueish cast with the fluorescent and tungsten settings. The flash is daylight balanced and produces good results with the daylight and cloudy settings.

Daylight - for outdoor and sunlit subjects.

Cloudy - for overcast outdoor scenes.

Tungsten - for incandescent light- ing: household light bulbs.

Fluorescent - for fluorescent light- ing: office ceiling lights.

Frame the subject as described in the basic operation section and press the shutter-release button partway down, then all the way down to take the picture.

Anti-Shake can be selected in section 1 of the recording menus. Three options are available for still images. For movies, Anti-Shake has just two options: on or off.

Display + Exp. - when the shutter-release button is pressed partway down, the Anti-Shake function activates.

Exposure - Anti-Shake is only applied during the exposure and is not apparent in the live image. When the shutter-release button is pressed partway down, wait a moment before taking the picture for the Anti-Shake system to stabilize the image.

Off - Anti-Shake will not activate. When taking still images, use this mode if the cameraís internal Anti-Shake movement is distracting.

When the red low-battery warning is displayed, Anti-Shake does not work. If Anti-Shake cannot compensate the camera motion, the Anti-Shake indicator turns red.

46 Recording - advanced operation