To ensure long, trouble-free operation, please read this manual carefully.
About copyright
Data handling
About this manual
Conventions in this manual
The owners manuals and how to use them
Table of Contents
Quick Start ................................ 18
Introduction .................................1
Basic functions........................... 42
Media mode.................................. 100
Global mode................................... 97
Sampling mode............................... 86
Sequencer mode.............................. 63
Appendices ............................. 121
Troubleshooting............................. 121 Specifications and options.............. 124
Main features
Dual polyphonic arpeggiator
4 channel audio output
EXB-SMPL sampling upgrade
Overview of the modes
Program mode
Combination mode
Sequencer mode
Global mode
Media mode
Sampling mode
(If the EXB-SMPL option is installed)
Front and rear panel
Front panel
6. Mode keys, [COMPARE] key
[COMBI] key
[PROG] key
[SEQ] key
[GLOBAL] key
10. [CATEGORY] key, [AUDITION] key
11.[EXIT] key, [MENU PAGE +/] key, CURSOR keys [ ], [
[EXIT] key
Rear panel
1. SD card slot
2. USB B connector (for connecting to a computer)
3. [POWER] switch
4. AC power supply connector (~AC9V)
6. Pedal connections
Objects and functions in the LCD screen
a: Current page
b: Tab
c: Parameters
d: Edit cell
* Dialog boxes
* Function buttons 2
*Text dialog box
* Scroll bar
* Page menu
Connecting audio equipment etc.
1. Connecting the AC/AC power supply
2. Connecting audio output devices
Connections to MIDI equipment/ computers
1. Connections to MIDI equipment
2. Connections to a computer
Inserting/removing a card in the SD card slot
Inserting a card
Removing a card
Connecting separately sold options
1. Audio input connections
Basic operation
Selecting modes, pages and tabs; setting parameters
1. Selecting modes
2. Selecting pages and tabs
Selecting a page
3. Selecting parameters
4. Setting a parameter
VALUE controllers
[INC]/[DEC] keys
[VALUE] dial
Keyboard input
Quick Start
Tur ning the power on/off
1. Turning the power on
2. Turning the power off
The mode and page that will be selected when the power is turned on
Listening to the demo songs
Loading demo playback data
Selecting and playing a demo song in the Sequencer mode
Playing a cue list
Contents of the preloaded data and demo songs
Selecting and playing a program
Selecting and playing a program
Selecting a program
Selecting a program number
Selecting the program bank
Selecting programs by category
Using 10s HOLD to select programs
Using a connected switch to select programs
Selecting programs from a MIDI device
Selecting and playing a combination
Selecting and playing a combination
Selecting a combination
Selecting a combination number
Selecting the combination bank
Selecting combinations by category
Using controllers to modify the sound
SW1, SW2
The Lock function
Using controllers to modify the sound
REALTIME CONTROLS [1], [2], [3], [4]
A-mode controls
Knob [1]: LPF CUTOFF
After Touch
Note Number
Foot pedals
Using the arpeggiator while you play
Using the arpeggiator in Program mode
Settings using controllers
Arpeggiator on/off
Adjusting the arpeggiator tempo
Settings in the LCD screen
Selecting an arpeggio pattern
Changing the timing value of the arpeggio notes
Selecting the octave range in which the arpeggio is sounded
Sounding an arpeggio in the order of the pitches in the chord you played
Using the arpeggiator as you play in Combination mode
Settings in the LCD screen
Select the arpeggiator(s) that will run
Checking the structure of a user arpeggio pattern
Other settings for the arpeggiator
Linking the arpeggiator to program, combinations
Creating a user arpeggio pattern
Playing with the RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play/
Playing with the RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play/Recording) function
Play/Recording) function
Playing with the RPPR (Realtime Pattern
Shutdown Keys:
Pattern Assignable:
Simple program editing
Performance Edit
Realtime controls
Simple combination editing
Simple combination editing
An example of editing
Selecting the program for a timbre
Listening to the program sound of just one timbre
Adjusting the stereo location of the sound
Adjusting the volume
Adjusting the volume while preserving the volume balance between timbres
Writing the combination
Sampling (recording a sample)
Sampling a sound and playing it back as one-shot
1. Connect a mic and make input settings
2. Set the recording level
3. Specify the recording method (Auto)
Using the insert effect while you sample
Assigning a name to the sample or multisample
Naming a multisample
Naming a sample
Saving sample data
Converting a multisample into a program
Sampling and looping a drum phrase
1. Connect your external audio device and make input settings
2. Set the recording level
3. Specify the recording method (Manual)
4. Record the sample
5. Make loop settings
Basic functions
Saving data
Types of data that can be saved
Writing to internal memory
Saving to external media (SD card etc.)
Writing to internal memory
Memory protect
Writing a program or combination
Using a Utility menu command to write
Using the [REC/WRITE] key to write
Assigning a name (Rename)
About the Edit Buffer
Writing global settings, user drum kits, and user arpeggio patterns
Using a Utility menu command to write
Using the [REC/WRITE] key to write
Memory in Global mode
Saving on external media
Other ways to save
MIDI data dump
Restoring the factory settings
Loading the preloaded data
Loading individual banks or data items
Program mode
How a program is organized
Basic program editing
The three elements of sound
The Compare function
Oscillator settings 2.1: EdBasic
Basic (Prog Basic) page
Mode (Oscillator Mode)
Mode (Voice Assign Mode)
OSC1 page, OSC2 page
Controller settings 2.2: EdCtrl
Ctrls (Controls) page
Pitch settings 3.1: EdPitch
OSC1 page
Filter settings 4.1: EdFilter1, 4.2: EdFilter2
Basic page
Low pass lter
High pass lter
Mod.1, Mod.2 page
Amplier settings 5.1: EdAmp1, 5.2: EdAmp2
Lvl/Pan (Level/Pan) page
Amp1 Level, Amp2 Level
AMS Intensity
LFO settings 5.3: EdLFOs
Freq.Mod (Frequency Modulation)
MIDI/Tempo Sync.
Arpeggiator settings 6.1: EdArp.
More about Alternate Modulation
Suggestions on using alternate modulation
Auto Song Setup function
Combination mode
How a combination is organized
Basic combination editing
Suggestions for editing procedure
Layer, split, and velocity switch
Timbre 18 program, pan and volume 2.1: EdProg/Mix
Prog page
Mix (Mixer) page
Controller settings 2.2: EdCtrl
Ctrls (Controls) page
Settings for status, MIDI channel, and playing mode 3.1: EdParam1
MIDI page
Note timing and scale settings 3.2: EdParam2
Other page
Delay [ms]
Use Progs Scale, Combis Scale
Layer and split settings 3.3: EdKey Zone
Velocity switch settings 3.4: EdVel Zone
Vel (Velocity) page
Slope page
MIDI lter settings 4.1: EdMIDI Filter14.4: EdMIDI Filter4
6.1: EdArp.
Auto Song Setup function
Sequencer mode
Features of the sequencer
The structure of Sequencer mode
Setup parameters
Musical data
Producing a song
Creating the basic song
1. Loading a template song, and copying preset patterns (drum phrases)
2. Repeatedly playing specic measures of a track (Track Play Loop)
3. Recording the bass track
4. Recording arpeggio patterns
5. Recording other tracks
6. Step recording
7. Using controllers to record tonal changes
8. Saving the song
Convenient functions for song production and checking the track settings
Monitoring just a specic track/Muting just a specic track (Solo/Mute functions)
[LOCATE] settings
Making track settings for a new song
1. Assign a program to each track (SEQ 1.1: Play/REC, Program page)
2. Set the pan and volume of each track (SEQ 1.1: Play/REC, Mixer page)
4. Make effect settings (SEQ 7.1: Insert FX, SEQ 7.2: Master FX)
Song editing methods
1. Copying a song
2. Naming a song
3. Setting the number of measures in the song
4. Changing the key (transposing/modu- lating)
About editing
Creating and playing a Cue List
If playback is not connected smoothly between songs when playing a cue list
Creating multiple songs for use in a cue list
Using a foot switch to switch the Step
Converting a cue list to a song
Creating and recording RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play/Record)
Creating RPPR data
RPPR playback
Play RPPR while a song plays back
Realtime-recording an RPPR perfor- mance
Recording the sound of a combi- nation or program
Auto Song Setup function
Copy From Combi (Sequencer mode page menu commands)
If the recorded performance is not reproduced cor- rectly during playback
Caution and other functions in Sequencer mode
TR song data and its compatibility
The Compare function
Operations for which Compare is available
Operations for which Compare is not available
Recording on the TR
Recording a track, and recording a pattern
Recording a track
Recording a pattern
Realtime recording
Manual punch-in
Auto punch-in
Loop All Tracks
Multi (multitrack recording)
Step recording
Event Edit and Create Control Data
Realtime-recording to a pattern
Using the arpeggiator for pattern recording
Control data in pattern recording
Sampling mode
Features of EXB-SMPL
How Sampling mode is organized
In Sampling mode
Sampling frequency and bit resolution
Samples and Multisamples
Preparations for sampling
Connections and settings for a monaural source
Connections and settings for a stereo source
Using an insert effect
Manual sampling
Auto sampling
Creating multisample indexes and sampling
Creating multiple samples
Loop settings
The grid display
Sample (waveform data) editing
A note on saving samples
Multisample editing
Editing the indices
Modifying the settings of an index
Converting a multisample to a program
Using samples in a drum kit
Using Time Slice to divide a sam- ple and play it in Sequencer mode
Global mode
Global mode
Creating a drum kit
About drum kits
Multisample programs and drum kit programs
About program parameters
Editing a drum kit
About ROM drumsamples
Global mode
Media mode
How Media mode is organized
Media that can be used
SD card
External SCSI storage media
Loading data
Types of data that can be loaded
Data loading procedure
Saving data
Types of data that can be saved
Arpeggiator settings
Arpeggiator settings for a pro- gram
Arpeggiator on/off
Linking the arpeggiator to a program
Arpeggiator settings in Combina- tion and Sequencer modes
Arpeggiator on/off
Combination A021: Urban Nature RnB
Combination B071: In The Pocket
Linking the arpeggiator to the combi- nation
Creating a user arpeggio pattern
About user arpeggio patterns
Editing a user arpeggio pattern
Creating an example pattern
Other examples of creating a user arpeggio pat- tern Melody pattern
Chordal pattern
Drum pattern
Dual arpeggiator editing
Synchronizing the arpeggiator
Synchronization between arpeggia- tors A and B
Synchronization between the arpeg- giators and sequencer in Sequencer mode
When song playback is stopped
When a song is being played or recorded
Effects settings
Effects in each mode
Routing settings and effect set- tings
Effect settings for a program
Effects settings
Effect settings in combination, and song
Effect settings in Sampling mode (requires the EXB-SMPL option)
Effects settings
Effect settings for the AUDIO INPUT (requires the EXB-SMPL option)
About dynamic modulation (Dmod)
Setting example:
Using the Dmod function to vary the delay level by pushing the joystick
Using the Dmod function to vary the feedback level by operating [SW1] key
Using the BPM/MIDI Sync. function to synchronize the delay time to arpeggiator tempo changes.
Other functions
Other functions
Tuning to another instrument/ Transposing
Bypassing the effects
Specifying the function of the Assignable Switch and Assign- able Pedal
Selecting different Velocity and Aftertouch curves
Creating original scales
Changing the scale
Other functions
Setting the function of [SW1] and [SW2]
Setting the B-mode functions of REALTIME CONTROLS [1][4]
Adjusting the contrast (brightness) of the LCD screen
Using this instrument as a data ler
Tap tempo control
Power does not turn on
No sound
Notes do not stop
When you loaded data, a combination or song does not sound correctly
Playback does not start when you press the [START/STOP] key in Sequencer mode
Cant record in Sequencer mode
Arpeggiator does not start
No sound when the [AUDIITON] key is turned on
Pressing the [SAMPLING] key does not enter Sam- pling mode.
Cannot input sound
Cannot record a sample
Cant install the driver included CD-ROM.
Specications and options
Specications and options
Operating requirements for con- nection to a computer
MIDI Implementation Chart
MIDI Implementation Chart