Basic functions
Sampling mode
5Select the “MS (Multisample Select).”
(☞“Manual sampling” step 4)
6Select the sample in “SMPL (Sample Select)” that
you wish to record.
(☞“Manual sampling” step 5)
7Select the 1.1: Recording, Recording page.
8Set the “Mode (Sample Mode).”
(☞“Manual sampling” 6 7)
9Press the [REC/WRITE] key.
0Press the [START/STOP] key.
When the input signal exceeds the “Threshold”
level, sampling will begin automatically.
ASampling will stop when you press the [START/
STOP] key.
Sampling will end automatically if the remaining
amount of memory reaches zero.
BEither press the [AUDITION] key, or press the C2
The sample you recorded will play back.
Creating multisample indexes and samplingHere’s how to create indexes for a multisample, and
how to assign a sample to each index.
1Select the 1.1: Recording, Sample page.
2Select “MS (Multisample Select),” and create a
multisample. (Refer to “Manual sampling” 4 )
3Press the [F6] (“CREATE”) key to create an index.
Immediately after the power is turned on, the
“Index” will be indicated as 001/001. This means
that there is only one index. The range that is high-
lighted in the keyboard & Index is the range of the
selected index.
Press the [F6] (“CREATE”) key several times. Each
time you press it, an index will be created. The key-
board display will indicate the zone and original
key location of each index. The highlighted area is
the currently selected index.
The index that is created when you press the [F6]
(“CREATE”) key will be created according to the
1.1: Recording, Input/Pref page Create settings.
(These settings can also be made in 4.1: Multisam-
ple, Pref. page Create Zone Preference. ☞PG p.95,
Immediately after the power is turned on, “Pstn
(Position)” will be R (Right), “Range (Zone
Range)” will be 012 (Keys), and “Orig.K (Original
Key Position)” will be Btm (Bottom), so that
indexes will be created as shown below.
If you set “Range (Zone Range)” to 1(Key), an
index will be created for each note of the keyboard.
It is convenient to use 1(Key) when you wish to
sample numerous takes in succession, such as
when recording phrases or rhythm loops.
4Select “Index.”
“Index” can also be selected by holding down the
[ENTER] key and playing a note on keyboard. For
this example, select 001.
5Assign a sample to the “Index.”
If sampling RAM memory already contains sam-
ples, use “SMPL” (Sample Select) to select the
sample and assign it.
If you want to record a new sample, you can sam-
ple it now.
The sample you record will be automatically
assigned to the index you selected in step 4. (☞For
the sampling procedure, refer to “Manual sam-
pling” or “Auto sampling.”)
The assigned sample will sound when you play the
keyboard in the range of the index to which the
sample is assigned, or when you press the [AUDI-
TION] key.
6Repeat steps 4 and 5 to assign a sample to each
The number and order of the indexes in a multi-
sample, the range of each index, and the original
key position can be freely changed later if desired.
(☞p.94 “Multisample editing”)
Creating multiple samples
In the example procedure described above, several
indexes were created (by pressing the [F6] (“CRE-
ATE”) key several times), and then samples were
assigned to each “Index.”
As an alternative method, it is also possible to create
one index, sample into it, and then repeat these two
1Press the [F6] (“CREATE”) key once to create an
2Record a sample.
Keyboard & Index
Index MS(Multisample Select)