You can use keyboard ranges or playing velocity to
operate the arpeggiator, or to switch between arpeg-
giators A and B. By using the COMBI 3.3: Ed-Key
Zone, Key page and COMBI 3.4: Ed-Vel Zone, Vel
page to set keyboard ranges and velocity ranges in
conjunction with each other, you can create even
more variations.
9If you wish to save the edited combination set-
tings in internal memory, turn off memory protect
in Global mode, and write the combination.
0The “Status,” “MIDI Channel” and “Assign” set-
tings shown in the LCD screen of steps 2 and 3
can be made so that certain timbres will sound
only when the arpeggiator is On, and will be silent
when the arpeggiator is not Off.
Although this is a somewhat sophisticated editing
technique, we will describe the settings of one of the
preset combinations as an example.
Combination A021: Urban Nature RnB
Select combination A021: Urban Nature RnB, and play
Before you play, make sure that the global MIDI chan-
nel (GLOBAL 2.1: MIDI “MIDI Channel”) is set to 01.
• Arpeggiator A is assigned to T (timbre) 4 and 8.
When you play the keyboard, the arpeggio pattern
U144(INT): Dr-Nature RnB will sound only the T4
program B004: Trance/GarageKit.
• The arpeggio pattern uses the Fixed Note setting,
which is appropriate when playing a drum
arpeggio. (“Fixed Note” is checked in, GLOBAL
6.1: Arp.Pattern, Setup page.) With this setting, the
arpeggio pattern will always play the specified
pitches regardless of the note numbers received
from the keyboard. (☞PG p.138)
• The A “Key Btm” and “Key Top” (COMBI 6.1: Ed-
Arp., Scan Zone page) are set so that arpeggiator A
will operate only for notes B3 and lower.
• Arpeggiator A is also assigned to T8, but this is so
that the T4 program B004: Trance/GarageKit will
sound only when the arpeggiator is on.
Notice the timbre settings for T4 and T8
• If the arpeggiator is off, playing the keyboard will
sound the timbre(s) that are set to Gch or to the
global MIDI channel (in this case, 01). Since the
“MIDI Channel” of T4 is set to 02, it will not sound.
T8 is set to Gch, but since “Status” is Off it will not
• Any MIDI channel that is assigned to a timbre will
trigger the arpeggiator. In this case, these will be
“MIDI Channel” 02 and Gch (global MIDI channel).
When the arpeggiator is on, playing the keyboard
will trigger arpeggiator A which is assigned to T8
(Gch). T4 will be sounded by arpeggiator A. Since
the “Status” of T8 is Off, it will not sound.
• Since the “Status” of T8 is Off, it will not sound,
regardless of whether the arpeggiator is on or off. It
is a dummy timbre that causes T4 to sound only
when the arpeggiator is on.
Combination B071: “In The Pocket”
Select and play combination B071: “In The Pocket.”
Before you play, make sure that the global MIDI chan-
nel (GLOBAL 2.1: MIDI “MIDI Channel”) is set to 01.
• Arpeggiator A is assigned to T7 and T8, and
arpeggiator B is assigned to T5. When you play the
keyboard, the T7 program C004: HipHop Kit will
be sounded by the arpeggio pattern U143(INT): Dr-
In The Pocket. The T5 program A066: Chord
Trigger will be sounded by the arpeggio pattern
U100(INT): Bs-Echo.
• The B “Key Btm” and “Key Top” (COMBI 6.1: Ed-
Arp., Scan Zone page) are set so that arpeggiators B
will operate only for the G3 note and above.
• Arpeggiator B is assigned to T8 as well, but this
setting is so that the T7 program C004: HipHop Kit
will sound only when the arpeggiator is on. Refer
to the preceding section “Select and play
Combination A021: Urban Nature RnB.”
Linking the arpeggiator to the combi-nationIf you want the arpeggiator settings of a combination
to become active when that combination is selected,
check “Combi” for “Auto Arp” (GLOBAL 1.1: System,
Basic page).
Status MIDI Channel Assign
T4 INT 02 A
T8 Off Gch A