record phrases that would be impossible or too rapid
to play “live.”
Rapid phrases can also be recorded in realtime by
temporarily slowing down the sequencer tempo.
Here’s the procedure for step recording.
1Press the [MENU] key to access the page menu.
Press the [F5] key to select “TEdit,” and press the
[F8] (“Open”) key.
The SEQ 5.2: Track Edit screen will appear.
2Press the [ ] key to set “Track Select” to T08
(Ch:08) Lead Synth.
For this example we will input a lead performance
using an analog synthesizer sound.
3Press the [ ] key to select “Measure (From),” and
press the [DEC] key to set this to M:001.
With this setting, step recording will begin from
measure 1.
4Press the [F8] (“UTILITY”) key to display the Util-
ity menu, press the [F7] key or the cursor keys to
select “Step Recording,” and press the [F8] (“OK”)
A dialog box will appear.
5Press the [ ] key to select “Step.” Press the [INC]
key or [DEC] key to select (16th note).
The step indicates the basic note value (length of a
note or rest) that will be used when entering notes
from the keyboard.
To input a triplet or dotted note, select the “–” at
the right, and press the [INC] key or [DEC] key.
Select “3” for a triplet, or “.” for a dotted note.
“Duration” indicates the length that the note itself
will sound. Smaller values will produce a staccato
note, and larger values will produce a legato note.
For this example, leave this setting unchanged.
“Vel.” is the velocity (playing strength), and larger
values will produce a louder volume. Set this to
about 090.
If you select Key for this parameter, the velocity
with which you actually played the keyboard will
be input.
6On the keyboard, press and then release the first
note that you want to input.
The LCD screen will show numerical values for the
data that you input. In the lower right, Next:[M001
01.000] will change to [M001 01.048], and when you
input the next note, the data will be input at that
Continue pressing notes to input a melody.
You can also delete notes or rests, or input rests or
ties. (☞PG p.75)
• To delete a note or rest that you input, press the
[F6] (“Back”) key. The previously-input note
will be deleted.
• To input a rest, press the [F4] (“Rest”) key. This
will input a rest of the “Step” value.
• To modify the length of a note, you can modify
the “Step” value before you input the note.
However if you want to extend the length (tie)
of the note, press the [F5] (“Tie”). At this time,
the previously-input note will be extended by
the length of “Step.”
If you want to check the note that you will input
next, press the [PAUSE] key. In this state, playing a
key will produce sound, but will not input a note.
Press the [PAUSE] key once again to cancel the
record-pause state, and resume input.
To input a chord, simultaneously press the notes
of the desired chord. Even if you do not press them
simultaneously, notes that were pressed before
you took your hand off of all keys will be input at
the same location.
However in the above example, the program of
track 8 will not sound chords. This is because the
program is set to mono mode, and the song fol-
lows the setting of the program. In other words
because this track is set to “Force OSC Mode”
PRG, the “Voice Assign Mode” setting of Mono
for the program B042: Express Lead remains valid.
7When you are finished inputting, press the [F8]
(“Done”) key.
8Press the [START/STOP] key to play back.
When you begin step recording, all data following
the recorded measure will be erased from that
You need to be aware of this if you begin step
recording from a measure mid-way through the
If you want to re-input data into a measure that
already contains data, perform step recording in
another un-recorded track, and execute “Move
Measure” or “Copy Measure” (☞PG p.79).
If you want to edit or add to the recorded data,
you can use the “Event Edit” function (☞PG p.75).