3Hold down the [ENTER] key and press the [REC/
WRITE] key.
The “Setup to Record” dialog box will appear.
4Press the [F8] (“OK”) key to execute Auto Song
Setup, or press the [F7] (“Cancel”) key if you
decide not to execute.
When you execute Auto Song Setup, the TR will
automatically enter the Sequencer mode, and the
settings of the previously selected program or com-
bination will be applied to the song. The first
unused song will be selected as the song.
Combination settings that are automatically set
The settings that are automatically made when you
execute the Auto Song Setup command are the same
as if you execute the “Copy From Combi” (☞PG
p.52) utility menu command after making the fol-
lowing settings in the dialog box.
•Check “with Effects”
• Set “To” to Track 1 to 8
•Check “Auto adjust Arp for Multi REC”
Program settings that are automatically set
If you execute Auto Song Setup from Program
mode, the program will be selected for track 1, and
the following settings will be made.
• Insert effect, master effect, and master EQ
settings of the program
• Arpeggiator settings of the program
• Controller Setup (2.2: Ed-Ctrl) settings of the
5The TR will automatically enter record-ready
mode, and the metronome will sound according to
the Sequencer mode Pref. (Preference) settings
(☞PG p.56).
6Press the [START/STOP] key to begin realtime
recording. When you are finished recording, press
the [START/STOP] key once again. (☞p.81 “Real-
time recording”)
Copy From Combi (Sequencer mode page menu commands)Here’s how to use the Copy From Combi page menu
commands in Sequencer mode.
Make sure that the global MIDI channel (GLOBAL
2.1: MIDI, “MIDI Channel”) is set to 01.
1Create a new song. (☞p.71)
2Execute the Utility menu command “Copy From
A dialog box will appear.
Select the combination that you want to copy (i.e.,
the copy source).
Press the COMBI BANK [B] key, then press numeric
keys [9], [9], and finally press the [ENTER] key.
B099: Steely Keys will be selected.
We will copy the effect settings of the combination
as well, so check the “With Effects” check box.
Since we want to copy the settings of the combina-
tion’s eight timbres to tracks 1–8, select Track 1 to 8.
Press the [F8] (“OK”) key to execute the copy.
3In the SEQ 1.1: Play/REC, Preference page, check
the “Multi REC” check box. (☞p.77)
When you perform multi-track recording, the multi-
ple channels that are being sounded by the arpeg-
giator will be recorded simultaneously.
4Set the tracks not being recorded (i.e., tracks 9–16)
to PLAY or MUTE. (☞p.69)
5Set “Track Select” to 01.
In order to play the sounds and arpeggiator in the
same way as in Combination mode, set “Track
Select” to the track that matches the global MIDI
channel. When you play the keyboard, the sounds
will be heard just as in Combination mode.
6Begin recording.
Press the [LOCATE] key to set the location to
Press the [REC/WRITE] key, and then press the
If you play a B3 note or lower during the pre-count
before recording, the arpeggio pattern will start
from the beginning at the moment that recording
begins. Record your performance.
7When you are finished performing, press the
If you made a mistake or want to re-record, you can
use the Compare function (press the [COMPARE]
key) to re-record as many times as you want. (The
“MultiREC” check box will be unchecked when you
use Compare, so you will need to check it again.)