The three elements of sound
Sound can be broken down into three elements: pitch,
tone, and volume.
On this instrument, these elements correspond to the
Pitch, Filter, and Amplifier settings of the program. In
other words you would adjust the Pitch settings to
modify the pitch, the Filter settings to modify the tone,
and the Amplifier settings to modify the volume.
In Oscillator (Oscillator: 2.1: Ed-Basic settings) you
select the waveform multisample that determines the
basic sound, and specify its pitch. This sound is then
modified by the pitch settings (Pitch: 3.1: Ed-Pitch), fil-
ter settings (Filter: 4.1, 4.2: Ed-Filter), and amp settings
(Amplifier: 5.1, 5.2: Ed-Amp) to create the basic sound
of the program.
This basic sound can then be modified further by using
insert effect (7.1: Ed-InsertFX settings), master effects,
and master EQ (7.2: Ed-MasterFX settings) to apply
finishing touches. When arpeggiator settings (6.1: Ed-
Arp.) and controller settings (2.2: Ed-Ctrl) are added to
this, the final result is called a “program.”
Programs that are used in Combination mode or
Sequencer mode have insert effect, master effect,
master EQ, arpeggiator, and controller settings
that are separate from those of Program mode.
The Compare function
As you are editing a program, you can use the [COM-
PARE] key to listen to the previously saved version of
the sound, (as it was before you began editing). Press
the [COMPARE] key (the key light comes on) to hear
the original version. Pressing [COMPARE] again (the
light goes dark) returns you to the version you are edit-
If you edit while the [COMPARE] key is lit, the key
will go dark. That sound will be the sound that is
recalled when the [COMPARE] key is dark.
Oscillator settings 2.1: Ed–BasicIn 2.1: Ed–Basic you can make oscillator-related set-
tings. This instrument provides two oscillators, and for
each oscillator you can select a basic waveform (“mul-
tisample”) and set the pitch. The multisamples pro-
vided by this instrument include waveforms for
musical instruments such as pianos, as well as special
waveforms unique to synthesizers. Multisamples
reproduce the complex overtone structure and fre-
quency characteristics that allow us to identify a sound
as being “piano-like” or “guitar-like.”
Basic (Prog Basic) page
Mode (Oscillator Mode)
This sets the mode of the oscillator.
Single uses one oscillator and Double uses two oscilla-
tors. In the case of Single the maximum polyphony is
62 notes, and in the case of Double the maximum
polyphony is 31 notes. If you wish to use a Drum Kit to
create a drums program, select Drums. (☞p.51)
Mode (Voice Assign Mode)
Indicates whether the program will sound in Poly
(polyphonically) or Mono (monophonically).
If this is set to Poly, you will be able to play chords
using the program. If this is set to Mono, only one note
will sound even if you play a chord. Normally you will
set this to Poly, but it is effective to use Mono when
you are playing sounds such as analog-synth bass or
synth lead. Try switching between Poly and Mono,
and listen to the result.
OSC1 page, OSC2 page
Specifies the multisample for oscillator 1, 2.
Selecting a multisample
The multisample will determine the basic character of
the program.
Use “High MS Bank” to select the multisample
bank, and use “High Multisample” to select the
If the “High MS Bank” is ROM or EX, you can
select preset multisamples. “High Multisample”
can be selected from a range of ROM: 000–424, EX:
000–044. (☞VNL)
If “High MS Bank” is RAM, you can select multi-
samples that were created in Sampling mode or
loaded in Media mode (if the EXB-SMPL option and
sample data RAM is installed). In “High Multisam-
ple” you can select from 000–999.
You can use the Utility “Select by Category” to
select internal preset multisamples from 15 catego-
ries. (☞PG p.8)
High Multisample and Low Multisample
If you specify a High and Low multisample for an
oscillator, either the High or the Low multisample will
sound depending on the velocity of the note (i.e., the
strength at which you play the keyboard). This func-
tion is called velocity multisample switching.