Part NamesPower switch
DC9V jack
SOUND button SONG button
Cord hook
Headphone jack
Damper pedal jack
Top panel
Volume knob
Power LED
Lid prop
Top panel
1. Connecting the Power
Conne ct t he D C plug of the suppl ied AC
adapter to the DC9V jack on the rea r panel,
then connect the AC adapter to an AC outlet.
Pass the AC adap ter c ord t hroug h th e
cord hook so that the p lug won’t b e re-
moved from the jack accidentally. Whe n
you unhook the cord, don’t pull t he cord
with force.
Be su re to us e the AC adapter t hat’s in-
cluded . Usin g ot her AC adapt ers m ay
cause the unit to malfunct ion.
Be sure to plug the unit into a n AC outlet of the appropriate
2. Turning the microPIANO
• Lithelidandsecurelysupportitusingt helidprop.
Becare fulnotto pinchyour ngerswhenyou propup
or close the lid.
• Pressthepowersw itchlocatedonthefrontr ightofthetop
panel to turn on the power.
• Toturnthepowero,pressthepowerswitchagain.
ThepowerLEDandthepowertotheunitwilltur no.
To take advantag e of the acousti c cha racter istics of t he m i-
croPIANO, we recommend that you use the un it with the lid
propped up.
3. Adjust the volume
• Rotatet heVOLUMEknob clockwise toraise thevolume
TheVOLUME knob controls theout putlevel oft hebuilt- in
speakers and the headphones jacks.
■ Usingheadphones
When you plug in t he he adphones, the built-i n spe akers
will b e muted. This is useful when you wa nt to play the
keyboard in the evening without b othering your family or
Insertthe stereoheadphone pluginto oneof thePHONES
jacks on the rear panel.
If your headphones feature a standard-to-mini adapter plug,
be sure to hold the adapter plug when you con nect or dis-
connect the headphones.
To pr otect your hear ing, do no t li sten to lo ud, h igh-
volume sou nds for a lo ng per iod of time throug h the
■ UsingaDamperPedal
Youca nuse ano ption alKORG PS-1 orP S-3p edal asa
damperpedalby connectingit totheDAMPERSWjac kon
the rear panel.
While you press dow n on the peda l, the note wi ll susta in
as it would on a traditional piano, c reating a rich , lingering
Youcan also usea nopt ional DS-1Hd amper pedal. The
pedal’shalf-dampfunct ioncanbe usedonlyfor theGrand
Piano preset sound.
■ Connectingaudiocompone nts
Youcanuse thePHONES jackasa line-out toconnect the
microPIANO to powered speakers or audio components. For
such connections, use commercial ly-available cables that are
appropriate for the components that you’re using.
Before connecting t he audio components, make sure that
youturno thepower totheu nitaswell asthe audio
components. Otherwise, malfunctions or damage to t he
unit or components may occur.
■ Usingtheunitwithbatter ies
Removethe batteryc asecover that’slocate dint hecenter
of the top pa nel, th en ins ert si x AA alkali ne bat teries (or
NiMHbaeries)intothe baerycasein thecorrect orienta-
Pleasenote thatbaeries arenot includedi nthep ack-
Donotmix newbaeriesw itholdor dierenttypes of
Battery case cover
When you replace the battery cover, be sure
to push this part firmly until it clicks and locks.
AashingpowerLEDindicates thatthebaeriesaren early
Ifbaeryp owerdecreases, soundsfrom themicroPIA-
NO may become distorted.
Removeold batteries immediately. Otherwise, battery
leakage m ay occu r, resu lting in a malfu nction. If you
don’t think that you’ll be using the unit for a long period