
Youca nsel ecta soun dfor your perfo rmanc efro m61p reset
When you turn the un it on or stop song playback, the u nit will en-
ter Play mode.
1. While pre ssing a nd holding down the SO UND but ton (lo -
cated on t he top pa nel), press one of the keys ranging from
C2 to C7.
The sound will c hange depending on t he key that you press.
(See"So undand SongL ist"on thenex tpage.)S hortPhr ase
sounds are assigned to the black keys.
Whenyoutur ntheunit on,thedefault sound(GrandPiano) will
be selected.
What are Short Phrase sounds?
If you select one of these s ounds by pressing the correspond-
ing black key, the microPIANO will automatically play the pro-
grammedphrase.TheseShor tPhrasesincludeaccompaniment
tunesincluding(those oenheardplayedwithaba rrel(roller)
organ),part ofafa mouspiece forpipeorga ns,as hortpiano
phrase of low-range accompan iment t ypically played by the
lehand(sothatyoucanplayamelodyw ithyourrighthand),
Listening to Songs (Song Mode)The microPIANO features 40 songs.
1. Whilepres singand holdingdown theSONGb uon,press
one of the keys ranging from C2 to D #5.
Playbackstarts fromthe selected song(see"S oundand Song
List"on thenext page),thenc ontinuesand repeatsal lofthe
songs in ascending order until you stop playback.
2. PresstheSONGbuonagaintost opplayback.
Youcanselecta dierentsongby pressingandholdi ngdown
theSONG button andp ressing oneof theke yswith inth at
You can play the keyboard using your favorit e prese t sound
while listening to a song.
Whileasongisplaying,pre ssandholddowntheSOUNDbut-
ton and press one of the keys ra nging from C2 to C7 to select
your favorite sound.
Youcanal soselect adierent presetsound (foryour perfor-
If you select a preset sou nd during playback of a song , the ef-
fect that’s applied to t he selected preset sound will also be ap-
pliedtothecur rentsong.Ifyouswitch toadierentsong, the
eectthat’sappliedtothese lectedsongwillalso beappliedto
the preset sound of your performance on the keyb oard.
ListeningtoaSongusingaDifferentSound(UserAutoperformMode) Eachsongusesa recommendedpresetsound.Youca nswitchthis
sound to one of your choosing.
1. While pres sing and holding down t he SOUND and SONG
buonsonthetoppane l,pressoneofthekeys rangingfrom
C2 to D#5.
Playbackstarts fromthe selected song(see"S oundand Song
List"on thenext page),thenc ontinuesand repeatsal lofthe
songs in ascending order until you stop the playback.
2. While the song is playing, on t he top panel press and hold
downtheSOUND buonandpressone ofthekeysra nging
fromC2toC7toselectadier entsound.
The song will start using the ne wly selected preset sound.
YoucanalsoselectasoundinPlayModeb eforeyoustartplay-
ing back the song.
3. Tostopplayback, pressthe SOUNDandSONG buonssi-
Youcanselecta dierentsongby pressingandholdi ngdown
theSOUND andSONGbuons andpressing oneof thekeys
within that range.
Youcanalso selecta songinSong mode.Todoso, pressand
holddowntheSONG buontostopplayback, andenterSong
mode while pressing a desired key to select the song.
Youcannotsele ctthepres etShortPhra sesoundst hatareas-
automatically be selected.
UsingOtherFunctionsC2 C3
Confirmation sound On/Off
G � 3
Transpose (F
� 2–F3)
Insomecases, asongmaybe wrieninad icultkey(e.g.,using
manyblackkeys), oryoumay wishto shithe keytomatch an-
otherinstrumentorvocalist.I nsuchcases,youcantranspose(shi
thekey)tousean easierngering,orto usethesamefam iliarn-
geringtoplayinadierentkey.Youcanshi thekeyinarangeof
eleven semitones.
For example if you transpose upward by one semitone, play ing the
notesshowninthescoreont helebelowwillproducethepitches
shown in the score on the right.
• Totranspose thekey, pressand holddown theC2 andC#2
keys(ontheleendof thekeyboard),andpres sakeyinthe
range from F#2 to B2 or from C#3 to F3 .
bythreesemitones),press andholddowntheC 2 and C#2 keys
(ontheleendofthekeyboard), and press the A2 key.
If you wish to use the C4 key to play not e D#4 (higher by three
semitones),pressand holddownt heC2and C#2 keys (on the
Toresett heTranspose function to“NoTra nsposition(+/-0),”
press and hold down the C2 and C#2keys(ontheleendofthe
Thedefaultsei ng(whenyoutur nonthe unit)is“No Trans-
When you simultaneously press the C2 and C#2 keys (on the
leendof thekeyboard),or whenyoupre ssakey toselecta
presetsound orsong, youwil lheart heconrmat ionsound.
While simultaneously pressing a nd holding down the C2 and
C#2keys,pressG#3to turnothecon rmationsound.Toturn
iton, press A3whil esimult aneously pressi ngand holding
down the C2 and C#2 keys.
Thedefaultse ing(whenyout urnonthe unit)is "Conrma-