Effect Guide
The OASYS provides 12 insert effects, two master
effects, and two total effects, together with a mixer
section that controls the routing of these effects.
For each of these effect processors, you can choose
from 185 different types of effects, grouped into the
following categories:
Effects categories

About effects resources

Background information

Most hardware synthesizers offer a single, fixed
method of synthesis, a predetermined number of
voices, and a fixed amount of effects processing power.
OASYS is different; it has no fixed synthesis method,
and it shares its processing power between voices and
This flexibility means that the system can deliver
power where you need it the most. For instance, one
Program may need a bunch of voices layered together,
but not many effects; another might need complex
effects processing, but not as many voices. In both
cases, OASYS will automatically divide its processing
power appropriately.
Unlike most computer-based systems, OASYS also
monitors the overall processing power, reducing the
overall number of voices if necessary, to make sure that
there are never problems with the audio.
Normally, you shouldn’t need to think about this at all;
it will just happen automatically. Sometimes, however,
it can be convenient to know how the system is
allocating its resources. The Effect/EXi Resource
Meter, shown on the P8: Insert Effect– Insert FX, Track
View and P9: Master Effect– Routing pages of each
mode, provides this information.

Effect/EXi Fixed Resource Meter

The resource meter shows how the OASYS processing
power is being used, as an approximate percentage of
the total available power. There are three main
categories: FX, EXi Fixed, and Free for Voices.
Note: the displayed values are rounded to the closest
1%, but the internal values have a much finer
resolution. This means that you may sometimes add an
effect, but see no change in the resource meter.
This shows the percentage of the total processing
power being used for the IFX, MFX, and TFX. This will
vary depending on the specific effects being used.
If an effect has been assigned to an IFX, MFX, or TFX, it
will take up the same amount of processing resources
even if it is turned Off or bypassed. If you want to free
up the processing resources, change the selection to
000: No Effect.
This shows the percentage of the total processing
power used for the fixed components of EXi
instruments. “Fixed” means that part of the EXi starts
using processing power as soon as the EXi is loaded,
before playing any notes; this includes the built-in
effects of the CX-3, for example.
Only some EXi include fixed components; for instance,
the CX-3 and STR-1 do, but the AL-1 does not. For
information on other EXi, see their individual
For more information on EXi fixed resources, please
see “CX-3 & STR-1: Limitations on EXi fixed resources”
on page 326.
This shows the percentage of the total processing
power remaining after the FX and EXi fixed
components. This power is available for playing
synthesizer voices.
000…010 Dynamics-type effects such as compressor
and limiter
011…026 Filter-type effects such as EQ, exciter, and
027…039 Overdrive effects and modeling effects such
as guitar/bass amps and mics
040…054 Pitch and phase modulation effects such as
chorus and flanger
055…076 Other modulation effects such as tremolo and
rotary speaker, and pitch shifters
077…099 Delays
100…108 Reverb and early reflections
109…140 Mono & Mono chain effects that internally
connect two mono effects in series
Mono & Mono parallel effects that allow two
mono effects to be applied to L and R