Krell Industries KAV-150a manual Amplifier Operation, VDC Remotepowerout, For Bridged Operation

Models: KAV-150a

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This output sends12 volt poweron/off sig- nals to other Krell®components,as well as other devices that incorporate a 12 volt poweron/off trigger input. This allows for remoteturn on/off of the KAV-150awith the poweractivation of another Krell ®compo- nent as well as with other componentsused in a custominstallation.


Consu/t the owner's manua/of any device usedin a custominsta//ation to take furl advantageof the remotecapabi/ity of the KAV-150a.



TheKAV-150amaybe configured to operate in a bridgedmodeTo.implementthis configu- ration:

1.Turnthe KAV-150aoff.

2.Locatethe red switch on the backof the amplifier andslide it fromthe NORMAL position to the BRIDGEDposition. The numera/2 will appearon the switch, when the switchis in the BRIDGEDposition.

3.Connectthe interconnect cable to the BRIDGEDinput, either balancedvia the XLRconnector or single-ended via the RCAconnector. Donot use both inputs simultaneously. Connectthe speaker cables to the speakerterminals labeled BRIDGED(-)and BRIDGED(+)The. lifier is nowreadyfor bridgedoperation.

Amplifier Operation

It is easyto understandthe operationof the KAV-150aamplifier. However,great care needsto be exercisedwhenoperatinga sys- temthat includes the KAV-150a,becauseof the amplifier's enormouspower output.

Switching betweenactive sources without muting the preamplifier output, or bump- ing/miscuinga cartridge, cangeneratelarge transients at low frequencies.TheKAV-150a amplifier maygenerate enoughpowerwith these transients to .damagemostloudspeak- ers. All switchingof sourcesshouldbe done withthe preamplifierlevel eithermutedor fully attenuated.Donot changeinputs to the ampli- fier whilethe amplifieris on.


Caremustbe taken whensetting high p/ay- back leve/s. Becauseof their tremendous reserve of c/ean power,Kre//~ amp/ifiers can safe/y drive speakersto higher sound pressure /evels than other amplifiers. A/waysturn the/eve/downat the first sign of speakerdistress.


Whenpowering up any system, amplifiers shouldalwaysbeturnedon last andturnedoff first.

1.Pressthe powerbutton onthe front panel of the KAV-150aPowerAmplifier.Youwill heara click. Theamplifier is readyfor operation.

2.Withthe systempreamplifier in the mute position, or the volumecontrolfully atten- uated, select a source. Turn the volume controlupto the desiredlistening level.

3.When.turning the systemoff, lower the volumeof the systempreamplifier com- pletely or placeit into the muteor stand- by position. Turnthe KAV-150aoff. It is nowsafe to tumoff the rest of the system.

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Krell Industries KAV-150a Amplifier Operation, VDC Remotepowerout, For Bridged Operation, ON/OFF and Standby Operation