
TheKAV-300cdhasa limited andtransferablewarrantyof five yearsfor partsandlaboroncircuitryandthreeyearsfor partsandlaboronall mechanicalcomponentsShould.this productfail to performat anytimeduringthewarranty,Krell will repairit at nocostto theowner,exceptasset forth in this warranty.

This warrantydoesnot applyto damagecausedby actsof Godor nature.

Thewarrantydescribedonthis pageshall bein lieu of any otherwarranty,expressor implied,including,butnotlimited to, anyimpliedwarrantyof merchantabilityor fitnessfor a particularpurposeThere.are nowarrantieswhichexceed beyondthosedescribedin this documentIf. this product doesnot performas warrantedherein, the owneris sole remedyshall berepair.In noeventwill Krell beliable for incidentalor consequentialdamagesarisingfrompurchase, use,or inability to usethis product,evenif Krell hasbeen advisedof the possibilityof suchdamages.

Thewarrantyperiodbeginsonthe dateof retail purchase, asnotedontheretail salesslip providedbyanauthorized Krell dealeror distributor,or onthe warrantyregistration cardsentto Krell. In the eventadequateproofof purchase dateis unavailable,the warrantyperiodwill beginonthe datetheunit wasoriginallyshippedfromthefactory.Krell candeterminethe originalshipdatefromtheserial number.

Transferof warrantyto a secondowneroccursautomati- cally. PleasecontactKrell to havethe registrationonthe warrantychangedWhen.the warrantyis transferred,the secondownerassumesthe remainderof the original war- rantyperiod.

Thewarrantyfor Krell productsis validonlyin thecountryto whichtheywereoriginally shipped,throughthe authorized Krell distributorfor that country,andat thefactory.There mayberestrictions onor changesto Krell's warranty becauseof regulationswithin a specific country.Please checkwith yourdistributorfor a completeunderstandingof thewarrantyin yourcountry.

sidethe U.S.Aand.wishto haveit servicedat the factory, all freight andassociatedchargesto the factoryareyour responsibility.Krell will payretumfreight to theU.S.A.- basedfreight forwarderof yourchoice.Freightandother chargesto shiptheunitfromthefreightforwarderto youare alsoyourresponsibility.

Krell is not responsiblefor anydamageincurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damagesasnecessaryfor units damagedintransitto thefactory.Youareresponsiblefor fil- ing claimsfor shippingdamagesdudngthe returnshipment.

Replacementpartsand/orproductswill befumishedonan exchangebasisonly; anypartsand/orproductsretumedto Krell for exchangebecomethe propertyof Krell.

Noexpressedor impliedwarrantyis madefor anyKrell productdamagedby accident, abuse,misuse,natural or personaldisaster,or unauthorizedmodification.

Anyunauthorizedvoltage conversion,disassembly, componentreplacement,perforation of chassis, updates,or modificationsperformedto the unit will voidthe warranty.

Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determinedbythe fac- tory andcanonlybechangedby anauthorizedKrell dis- tributoror at thefactory.Thevoltagefor this productin the U.S.Acannot.bechangeduntil six monthsfromthe original purchasedate.

In the eventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyser- vicethat hasbeenmodifiedin anywaywithoutKrell autho- rization,all warrantiesonthatproductwill bevoid.Theprod- uctwill bereturnedto originalfactorylayoutspecifications the owner'sexpensebeforeit is repaired.All repairs requiredafter theproducthasbeenreturnedto originalfac- tory specificationswill bechargedto the customer,at cur- rentpartsandlaborrates.

All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsand policiesaresubjectto changewithoutnotification.

To register your product for warranty bene-

fits, complete and return the Warranty

Registration Card enclosed in the shipping

Freightto the factoryis yourresponsibility.Second-day box within 15 days of purchase.Thankyou. returnfreightwithintheUnitedStates(U.S.A.is) included

the warranty.ifyouhavepurchasedyourKrell productout-


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Krell Industries KAV-300cd manual Warranty

KAV-300cd specifications

Krell Industries has long been synonymous with high-performance audio equipment, and the KAV-300cd serves as a testament to the company's commitment to excellence in digital playback. This compact disc player is engineered for audiophiles who demand superior sound quality, making it a standout component in any high-end audio setup.

One of the standout features of the KAV-300cd is its use of Krell's proprietary advanced digital technology, specifically developed to provide a pristine audio experience. It utilizes an advanced dual 24-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC), which significantly enhances audio clarity and resolution while minimizing distortion. The result is a dynamic and engaging soundstage that captures the nuances of every recording.

The KAV-300cd supports a range of disc formats, including standard CDs and CD-Rs, ensuring compatibility with a vast selection of music collections. Moreover, its precision construction features a robust chassis designed to minimize vibrations and electromagnetic interference, attributed to Krell's extensive engineering expertise. This rigid design not only contributes to sound quality but also ensures long-lasting durability.

Incorporating a high-performance, state-of-the-art transport mechanism, the KAV-300cd guarantees seamless disc playback for a reliable user experience. This sophisticated system reduces jitter, which can adversely affect audio fidelity, maintaining optimal data integrity for an immersive listening experience.

Furthermore, the KAV-300cd features a user-friendly interface with a backlit remote control, allowing users to navigate playlists effortlessly. The front panel display presents track information with clarity, making it easy to see what is playing at any given moment.

For connectivity, the player offers multiple output options, including balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA outputs, catering to a variety of audio systems. This flexibility makes it easy to integrate the KAV-300cd into both pristine hi-fi setups and more nuanced home theater configurations.

With its combination of advanced digital technology, commitment to sound quality, and user-oriented design, the Krell KAV-300cd remains a quintessential choice for discerning listeners. Whether you're rediscovering your favorite albums or exploring new genres, this CD player sets a new standard in audio performance, highlighting Krell’s legacy of innovation and excellence in the realm of high-end audio.