The Contacts menu of your phone is like a set of
phone index cards for you to store information
about a person or a company. Your phone can
hold, on average, about 200 phone numbers. Each
name, e-mail address, mailing address or web
address entry can contain up to 256 characters.
The minimum length of RUIM phone number is 10
digits, the maximum is 32 digits.

Saving a new contact

1. From the home screen, enter the phone
number you wish to save.
2. Press to select
3. Enter the name of the contact.
To learn how to enter letters, see page 13.
4. Press twice to save the number.
5. Press to select options:
Add New to add a new phone number.
Edit Name to edit the name of the contact.
Classify Contact to classify the contact as
Personal or Business.
Erase Contact to erase the new contact.
6. After adding options, scroll to the contact’s
number and press to the following
Number Type to classify the number
Edit to change the number
Erase to delete the number
Add Speed Dial to add a speed dial location
to the contact.

Adding pauses to a phone number

When you save the phone number of an automated
service, you may include a pause where you need to
select an option or enter a password. You can enter
multiple pauses in a phone number. A Pause will
cause the phone to stop dialing until you select the
Release key.
1. Enter the first portion of the phone number.
2. Scroll right to
Pause and press .
The letter P appears next to the last digit of your
phone entry.
3. Enter the remaining numbers and add more
pauses where needed.
82--K5456-1EN.book Page 16 Thursday, November 6, 2003 5:16 PM