4.At the Date field, press OK to change the date.
–Scroll left or right to move between month, day, and year fields.
–Scroll up or down to change month, day, and year.
Press OK to save date and move to the next field.
5.At the Time field, press OK to change the time.
–Scroll left or right to move between hour, minute and AM/PM fields.
–Scroll up or down to change hour, minute and AM/PM.
Press OK to save time and move to the next field.
6.At the Duration field, press OK to change the duration.
–Scroll left or right to move between hour and minute fields.
–Scroll up or down to change hour and minute.
Press OK to save duration and move to the next field.
7.At the Priority field, press OK and select a priority from the list.
8.At the Reminder field, press OK and select a reminder from the list.
9.At the Reminder Sound field, press OK and select a reminder sound from the list.
10.At the Silent Mode field, press OK and select a Silent mode setting.
11.At the Recurring Event field, press OK and select an option from the list.
12.Select Save.
View events
You can view the events saved to the scheduler.
View by date
1.Select Menu > Tools > Scheduler and one of the following:
–View month to see the current month. Days with events are highlighted. Scroll through the calendar and press OK to select a date.
–View day to see the current date. Scroll right or left to move to another date.
–Go to date to select a specific date. Scroll left or right to move between month, day, and year fields. Scroll up or down to change month, day, and year. Press OK to select the date.
2.At the day view, do one of the following:
–Highlight an existing event and press the OK key to view the event detail.
–Highlight a time and select Add new to create a new event.
–Select Options > Go to today to return to the current date.
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