receiving multimedia, 25 replying multimedia, 25 replying text, 23 retrieving text, 23 sending and receiving, 27 sending text, 22
usage tips, 27
viewing multimedia, 25 message settings, 28
alert, 28 messaging settings, 54 minute alert, 49 missed call, 41
alert, 41
mobile equipment ID (MEID), 65 mode
changing, 20 entering text, 17 expert, 54 Numbers only, 19 rapid, 19
text entry, 16 multimedia message
forwarding, 25 options, 25 receiving, 25 replying, 25 viewing, 25
multiple, 44 multishot, 44 My Account, 37 my graphics, 40 my pictures, 44 my ringtones, 39 my sounds, 40
navigation key, 11
normal alpha mode, 16 notes
contacts, 33 number
entering, 16, 19 number keypad, 4
entering text, 19 number type
contacts, 34 numbers only mode, 19
Outbox, 27
pacemaker, iv pairing, 46 phone
accessories, 2, 65 activating, 3
build information, 57 icons, 57 keypads, 4
lock, 55 making calls, 12 number extension, 31 overview, 2 programming, 3 resetting, v
safety, iii
turning on and off, 12 picture
contacts, 34 multiple, 44
picture message options, 25 receiving, 25 viewing, 25
picture mode
indicators and icons, 44 options, 43
picture. See camera playback, 58
power backlighting, 56 power save mode, 51 prepend, 32 primary number
contacts, 32 privacy alert, 56
qualified service, 65 QWERTY keypad, 4, 6
entering text, 16
rapid mode, 19 recent calls, 41 redialing, 12 resetting phone, v resolution, 43, 54 right option button, 11 ringtone
business, 48 contacts, 33, 34 downloading, 39 personal, 48 type, 48 volume, 48
safety, iii
save as auto text, 23, 24, 26 save message, 23, 26
save to Outbox, 29 scheduler, 58
settings, 60 screen saver, 50