Rainfall 1 hour icon
Rainfall volume reading
Rainfall volume unit
Rainfall 24 hour icon
Total Rainfall icon
To view the current rainfall measurements:
Press and release the WIND/RAIN/SNZ button to toggle between GUST, WIND CHILL, 1 hour rainfall volume, 24 hour rainfall volume and total rainfall volume.
To view the maximum rainfall measurements:
1.Press the WIND/RAIN/SNZ button and hold for 3 seconds to enter MAX WIND MODE.
2.Press the WIND/RAIN/SNZ button 4 times to 6 times to view the Max 1 hour rainfall, Max 24 hour rainfall and Max total rainfall respectively.
Note: | 1. | The Max 1 hour rainfall is maximum value among all the all 1hour rainfall readings |
| measured. |
| 2. | The Max 24 hour rainfall is maximum value among all the all 24hour rainfall readings |
| measured. |
| 3. | The Max total rainfall is accumulated rainfall volume from the commencement of |
| measurement, which is equivalent to the Max rainfall shown in the current rainfall |
| mode. |
To reset the maximum rainfall measurements:
1.Press the WIND/RAIN/SNZ button and hold for 3 seconds to enter MAX WIND MODE.
2.Press the WIND/RAIN/SNZ button for times to select the max rainfall data to be reset.
3.Press and hold the SET button for 5 seconds to reset the MAX Rainfall data to zero value. The time of record will be reset to the current time.
To return to the normal viewing mode:
1.Press and release the ALM/+ button or
2.After 15 seconds the display will automatically return to the normal viewing mode.
To set the time alarm:
1.Press and hold the ALM/+ button for 5 seconds.
2.The alarm time will begin to flash in the DATE LCD.
3.Press and release the IN/HR button to adjust the hour.