(MAC) Address
If your ISP asks for the Network Adapter Address,
Physical Address, Hardware Address, or MAC
Address for the PC the DSL/Cable modem is con-
nected to, provide this value.
DHCP Client
IP Address)
Leave this enabled if you want your ISP to allocate an
IP Address to the FBR-1700TX upon connection.
IP Address
Select this if using a fixed IP Address. If this option is
selected, the following data must be entered.
• IP Address.
If connecting to an ISP, this is the address allo-
cated by the ISP. If connecting to another LAN,
this must be a valid address on the external LAN.
• Network Mask
This must be compatible with the IP Address
• Gateway IP Address
The address of the router or gateway, either on
the external LAN, or supplied by your ISP.
Get the default Device Name and clear the other
items. No changes are made to the configuration until
you click the Save button.
Save Save any data you have entered on this screen.
Remember to save before changing to another screen.
Cancel Cancel any data you have entered since the last
"Save" operation.
If using DHCP Client (Dynamic IP Address), the IP Address, Network
Mask, and Gateway fields may display the values obtained dynamically.