LevelOne Broadband Router User Guide
Connecting to the Virtual Servers Once configured, anyone on the Internet can connect to your Virtual Servers.
They must use the IP Address allocated to this device by your ISP, as shown
on the WAN Status screen.
It is more convenient if you are using a Fixed IP Address from your ISP,
rather than Dynamic. If using a Fixed IP Address, it is entered on the WAN
Using this Device as a Virtual Web Server It is possible to configure the FBR-1700TX itself as a Virtual Web Server.
Once this is done, you can configure this device through the I nternet.
For the remote PC, the destination IP Address is the IP Address shown on the
External LAN Port screen.
Upon connecting to the FBR-1700TX, you will be prompted for the device
Ensure that a password has been set!
To make the FBR-1700TX a Virtual Web Server:
• Enable Virtual Server on the Advanced Internet screen
• Enable Web Server on the Virtual Servers screen.
• Enter the Device IP Address (from the LAN screen) as the IP Address of
the Web Server.