Advanced Internet
Exposed Computer This feature, if enabled, allows one (1) computer on your LAN to be exposed
to all users on the Internet, allowing unrestricted 2-way communication
between the "Exposed Computer" PC and other Internet users or Servers.
This allows connection to special-purpose servers which require proprietary
client software, or 2-way user connections such as Video-conferencing, which
requires both users to run special software.
To Internet users, the IP Address of the Exposed Computer is the
IP Address allocated by your ISP, as shown on the "WAN Status"
To allow unrestricted access, the Firewall in this
device is disabled, creating a security risk.
You should use this feature only if the "Special Applications"
feature is insufficient to allow an application to function correctly.
This feature should be turned ON only when needed, and left OFF
the rest of the time.