Lewmar warrants its products in normal usage to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of three years from date of purchase by the original purchaser, subject to the conditions, limitations and exceptions listed below. Any part, which proves to be defective in normal usage during that three-year period, will be repaired or at Lewmar’s option, replaced by Lewmar.


iLewmar’s liability shall be limited to repair or replacement of the goods or parts defective in materials or workmanship.

iiDetermination of the suitability of the material for the use contemplated by the buyer is the sole responsibility of the buyer and Lewmar shall have no responsibility in connection with such suitability.

iiiLewmar shall not be liable in any way for:

a Failures, loss or damage due to use of products in applications for which they are not intended.

b Failures, loss or damage due to corrosion, ultra violet degradation, wear and tear or improper installation.

c Failures, loss or damage due to incorrect maintenance.

d Failures, loss or damage due to conditions that exceed the product’s performance specifications.

ivProduct subject to warranty claim must be returned to Lewmar for examination unless otherwise agreed by Lewmar in writing.

vLewmar shall not be responsible for shipping charges nor installation labour associated with any warranty claim.

viService by anyone other than authorised Lewmar representatives shall void this warranty unless it accords with Lewmar guidelines and standards of workmanship.

viiLewmar’s products are intended for use only for marine purposes. Buyers intending to use them for any other purpose should seek advice from Lewmar, and Lewmar shall be under no liability arising from use, which Lewmar has not approved.


Warranty is limited to a period of one year from the date of purchase in the case of the following:

-Bow thrusters

-Electric motors and electrical equipment

-Electronic controls

-Hydraulic pumps, valves and actuators

-Weather seals

-Products used in “Grand Prix” racing applications

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Lewmar Issue 2 warranty Lewmar Limited Warranty