Selecting a location for the prin ter
When selecting a location for the pri nter, leave enough room to open trays, covers, and doors. If you plan to install any
options, leave enough room for them also. It is important to:
Make sure airflow in the room meets the latest revision of the ASHRAE 62 standard.
Provide a flat, sturdy, and stable surface.
Keep the printer:
Away from the direct airflow of air conditioners, heaters, or ventilators
Free from direct sunlight, humidity extremes, or temperature fluctuations
Clean, dry, and free of dust
Allow the following recommended amount of space around the printer for proper ventilation:
1Right Side 31 cm (12 in.)
2Left Side 31 cm (12 in.)
3Front 51 cm (20 in.)
4Rear 31 cm (12 in.)
5Top1137 cm (54 in.)
1 Allows for addition of all output options.
Learning about the printer 13