3Choose the most appropriate paper for printing needs: nor mal 75 or 80 g/m2 certified paper, lower weight paper,
or recycled paper.

Storing paper

Use these paper storage guidelines to help avoid jams and uneven pr int quality:
For best results, store paper where the temperature is 21 °C (70°F) and the relative humidity is 40%. Most label
manufacturers recommend printing in a temperature range of 18 to 24°C (65 to 75°F) with relativ e humidity between
40 and 60%.
Store paper in cartons when possible, on a pallet or shelf, rather than on the floor.
Store individual packages on a flat surface.
Do not store anything on top of individual paper packages.
Supported paper siz es, types, and weights
The following tables provide information on standard and optional paper sourc es and the types of paper they support.
Note: For an unlisted paper size, select the closest larger listed size.
For information on card stock and labels, see the Card Stock & Label Guide on the Lexmark Web sit e.

Paper sizes supported by the printer

Note: An optional 250sheet Universally Adjustable Tray is available for s izes smaller than A5, such as index cards.
Paper size Dimensions 250 or
550sheet trays
(standard or
2000sheet tray
Duplex unit
A4 210 x 297 mm
(8.3 x 11.7 in.)
A5 148 x 210 mm
(5.8 x 8.3 in.)
A61,2 105 x 148 mm
(4.1 x 5.8 in.)
JIS B5 182 x 257 mm
(7.2 x 10.1 in.)
Letter 216 x 279 mm
(8.5 x 11 in.)
1 This s ize app ear s i n th e Pa per Siz e me nu onl y wh en T ray Siz e Se ns ing is t urn ed off. Fo r mo re i nfo rma tio n, con tac t Cu sto me r
2 Only the standard exit bin supports this size.
3 This size setting formats the page for 216 x 356 mm (8.5 x 14 in.) unless the size is s pecified by the software application.
4 To support duplexing, the Universal width must be between 148 mm (5.8 in) and 216 mm (8.5 in); Universal length must
be between 182 mm (7.2 in) and 356 mm (14 in).
Paper and specialty media guidelines 69