5LICENSE GRANT. Lexmark grants you the following rights provided you comply with all terms and conditions of
this Software License Agreement:
aUse. You may Use one (1) copy of the Software Program. The term “Use” means storing, l oading, installing,
executing, or displaying the Software Program. If Lexmark has licensed the Software Program to you for
concurrent use, you must limit the number of au thorized users to the number specified in your agreement
with Lexmark. You may not separate the components of the Software Program for use on more than one
computer. You agree that you will not Use the Software Program, in whol e or in part, in any manner that has
the effect of overriding, modifying, eliminatin g, obscuring, altering or de-empha sizing the visual appearance
of any trademark, trade name, trade dress or intellectual property notice that appears on any computer display
screens normally generated b y, or as a result of, th e Software Program.
bCopying. You may make one (1) copy of the Software Program solely for purpo ses of backup, archiving, or
installation, provided the copy contains all of the original Software Program’s proprietary notices. You may
not copy the Software Program to any public or distribu ted network.
cReservation of Rights. The Software Program, in cluding all fonts, is copyri ghted and owned by Lexmark
International, Inc. and/or its sup pliers. Lexmark reserve s all rights not express ly granted to you in this Soft ware
License Agreement.
dFreeware. Notwithstanding the terms and con ditions of this Software License Agreemen t, all or any portion
of the Software Program that constitutes software provided under public license by third parties (“Freeware”)
is licensed to you subject to the terms and conditions of the software license ag reement accompanying such
Freeware, whether in the form of a discrete agreement, shrink-wrap licens e, or electronic license terms at the
time of download or installation. Use of the Freeware by you shall be governed entirely by the terms an d
conditions of such license.
6TRANSFER. You may transfer the Software Program to another end-user. Any transfer must include all software
components, media, printed materia ls, and this Sof tware License Ag reement and you may not retain c opies of
the Software Program or components thereof. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a consignment.
Prior to the transfer, the end-user receiving th e transferred Software Program must agree to all these Software
License Agreement terms. Upon transfer of the Software Program, your licens e is automatically terminated. You
may not rent, sublicense, or assign the Software Program except to the ex tent provided in this Software License
7UPGRADES. To Use a Software Program identified as an u pgrade, you must first be licensed to the original
Software Program identified by Lexmark as eligible for the upgrade. After upgrading, you may no longer use the
original Software Program that formed the basis for your up grade eligibility.
8LIMITATION ON REVERSE ENGINEERING. You may not alter, decrypt, reverse engineer, r everse assemble,
reverse compile or otherwise translate the Software Program or assist or otherwise facilitate others to do so,
except as and to the extent expressly permitted to do so by applicable law for the purposes of inter-operability,
error correction, and security testing. If you have such statutory rights, you will notify Lexmark in writing of any
intended reverse engineering, reverse assembly, or reverse compilation. You may not decrypt the Software
Program unless necessary for the legitimate Use of the Software Program.
9ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE. This Software License Agreement applies to updates or supplements to the original
Software Program provided by Lexmark un less Lexmark provides other t erms along with the update or
10 TERM. This Software License Agreement is effective unless terminated or rejected. You may reject or terminate
this license at any time by destroying all copies of the Software Program, together with all modifications,
documentation, and merged portio ns in any form, or as otherwis e described herein. Lex mark may terminate your
license upon notice if you f ail to comply with any of the terms of this Soft ware License Agreement . Upon such
termination, you agree to destroy all copies of the Software Program together with all modifications,
documentation, and merged portio ns in any form.