•If zone coating of the adhesive is not possible, remove a 1.6 mm (0.06 in.) strip on the leading and driver edge,
and use a non-oozing adhesive.
•Portrait orientation works best, especially wh en printing bar codes.
Tips on using card stock
Car d s t o c k i s h e a v y, s i n g l e - pl y s p e c ia l t y m e d ia . M a n y o f i t s v a r i ab l e c h a r ac t e r i s ti c s , s u c h a s m o i s t ur e c o n t e n t, t h i c kn e s s ,
and texture, can significantly impact print quality. Print samples on the card stock being considered for use before
buying large quanti ties.
When printing on card stock:
•Make sure the Paper Type is Card Stock.
•Select the appropriate Paper Texture setting.
•Be aware that preprinting, perforation , and creasing may signific antly affect the print qualit y and cause jams or
other paper handling problems.
•Check with the manufacturer or vendor to ensure the card stock can withstand temperatures up to 210°C (4 10°F)
without releasing hazardous emissions.
•Do not use preprinted card stock manufactured with chemicals that may contaminate the p rinter. Preprinting
introduces semi-liquid and volatile components into the printer.
•Use grain short card stock when possible.
Printing information pagesSee “Printing a menu settings page” on page 24 and “Printing a network setup page” on page 24 for more information
on printing these pages.
Printing a font sample list
To print samples of the fonts currently avail able for your printer:
1Make sure the printer is on and Ready appears.
2From the printer control panel, press .
3Press the arrow button s until Reports appears, and then press .
4Press the arrow button s until Print Fonts appears, and then press .
5Press the arrow button s until PCL Fonts or PostScript Fonts appears, and then press .
After the font sample list prints, Re ady appears.
Printing a directory list
A directory list shows the resources stored in flash memory.
1Make sure the printer is on and Ready appears.
2From the printer control panel, press .