*your PC user guide
User Accounts
Each user of the PC can have:
•A personal account, with a logon name and password.
•A personal folder to store their documents.
•Personalised desktop settings and appearance.
There are two types of account:
Administrator Account:
The first account setup in Windows XP has Administrator privileges.
The Administrator is usually a parent or a responsible person who is in charge of the PC.
Accounts created with administrator privileges can:
•Create, change and delete all user accounts.
•Make changes to the PC that will affect all the users of that computer.
•Install programs and have access to all files on the computer.
Limited Account:
A Limited account is best for children or occasional users of the PC.
•Users with this type of account can:
•Change their own account details only.
•Change their own desktop settings.
•View their own files or those in the shared files folder only.
Limited users may not be able to install some programs.
!NOTE: You do not have to set up multiple users if you do not want to. Without them, the PC will start up using the logon name you supplied during initial Windows setup.
*your PC user guide
Adding an account
From the Desktop
•Choose 'Start’,’ Control Panel’ and 'User Accounts'.
•Click on 'Create a new account' and then, type in a name for the Account.
•Choose an Administrator or Limited Account.
Creating a password
If required, click on 'Create password' and follow the
!NOTE: Remember that passwords are case sensitive – the PC will see ‘password', 'PASSWORD' and 'Password' as three different words.