Details:Allows you to view information about
outbox messages; Subject (only for multimedia
message), Message date & time, Message type,
Message size.
Reply:Allows you to reply to the current message.
Reply All:Allows you to reply to the all messages.
Delete Message:Allows you to delete the current
Forward:Allows you to forward the current message
to other recipients.
Drafts (Menu 2.2.5)
Using this menu, you can preset up to five multimedia
messages that you use most frequently. This menu
shows the preset multimedia message list.
The following options are available.
Send:Support multiple number and email addresses.
Preview:To see the multimedia message you wrote.
Save:Allows you to save multimedia messages in
draft or as templates.
Delete:Allows you to delete the image or sound.
Slide Duration:Allows you to set timer for slide and
Slide Format:Allows you to make the message
contents aligned right, left, top and bottom.
Add Slide:Allows you to add a slide before or after
current slide.
Remove Slide:Allows you to move to previous or
next slide.
Add Image:Allows you to add a image before or
after current image.
Add Sound:Allows you to add a sound before or
after current sound.
Delete Image:Deletes the current image.
Delete Sound: Deletes the current sound.
Settings (Menu 2.2.6)
Via this menu, you can set up default multimedia
message information.
The following options are available:
Message Subject: Enter the message title.