]DDeelleettee aallll::Deletes all the messages in the outbox

The messages of which transmission is in

progress has the following options.

]VViieeww::You can view the selected message.
]SSeenndd::Select this to send it again.
]CCaanncceell::Cancels transmitting of the message.
]DDeelleettee::Cancels transmitting the message and
deletes the message.
]IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::You can view the information of
selected message: subject (only for multimedia
message), the date and time when you sent it,
message type and size, the priority (only for
multimedia message), and recipients.
]SSeenndd aallll::Sends all the messages of which
transmission is in progress again.
]CCaanncceell aallll::Cancels all the message transmission.
]DDeelleettee aallll::Cancels all the message transmission
and deletes all of them.
Drafts Menu 1.5
You can view the messages saved as a draft. The draft
messages are listed with the date and time when they
were saved. Scroll through the list using the up/down
navigation keys.
Each draft has the following options. Press the left soft
key [Options].
]VViieeww::You can view the selected message.
]EEddiitt::You can edit the selected message.
]SSeenndd::Select this to send the message. You will have
to choose the recipients before sending the
]DDeelleettee::Deletes the selected message from the
drafts folder.
]IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn::You can view the information of
selected message: subject (only for multimedia
message), the date and time when saved, message
type and size and the priority (only for multimedia
]DDeelleettee aallll::Deletes all the messages from drafts
Icon Description
Multimedia message
Text message