Assigns a new name to the group.
Speed dials (Menu 5.3.4)
You can assign any of the keys 2 to 9 with a name list
entry. You can call directly by pressing this key for 2-3
11..Open the pphhoonneebbooookk first by pressing the right
soft key [Names] in standby mode.
22..Scroll to Speed dials, then press [Select].
33..To add a number to Speed dials, select (Empty).
Then, you can search the name through the
44..You can cchhaannggee or ddeelleettee a Speed dials number,
make a call or send a message by pressing the left
soft key [Option].
Settings (Menu 5.3.5)
]Default memory
You can select the memory for the phonebook
feature between the SIM and the phone. If you
select Variable, when adding entry, the phone will
ask where to save the number.
]Search by
You can set the phone to search by NNaammee or
NNuummbbeerr, when you search the phonebook. If you
select VVaarriiaabbllee, the phone will ask how to search
when you search the phonebook.
]View options
You can set the phonebook display option.
-NNaammee oonnllyy::When you search the phonebook,
the list displays only names.
- WWiitthh ppiiccttuurreess::When you search the
phonebook, the list displays names and
corresponding pictures.
- NNaammee && nnuummbbeerr::When you search the
phonebook, the list displays names and numbers.
Copy all (Menu 5.3.6)
You can copy/move entries from the SIM card memory
to the phone memory and vice versa.
]SSIIMM ttoo PPhhoonnee::Use this to copy the entry from the
SIM Card to the Phone memory.