GPRS setting Menu 4.6
GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) is a technology that
allows mobile phones to be used for sending and
receiving data over the mobile network. GPRS is a data
bearer that enables wireless access to data network such
as the t-zones.
Before you can use GPRS technology
- You need to subscribe to the GPRS service. For
availability and subscription to GPRS service, contact
your network operator or service provider.
- You need to save the GPRS settings for the applications
used over GPRS.

Power on (Menu 4.6.1)

If you select PPoowweerr oonnand you are in a network that
supports GPRS, the phone registers to the GPRS
network and sending short messages will be done via
GPRS. Also, starting an active packet data connection,
for example, to send and receive E-mail, is quicker.
When needed (Menu 4.6.2)
If you select WWhheenn nneeeeddeedd, the phone will use a
GPRS connection only if you start an application or
action that needs it. The GPRS connection is closed
after it is no longer required by any application.

Reset settings Menu 4.7

You can reset your phone to its default configuration.
To do so, proceed, as follows.
11..Select the RReesseett sseettttiinnggssmenu option.
22..You are requested to enter the 4-digit security
]The security code is preset to 0000. To change this,
refer to page 53.