]VViieeww::Shows the schedule note or memo for the
chosen day. Press the left soft key [Options] to edit
or delete the note you selected.
]VViieeww aallll::Shows all the notes that are entered in the
phone. Use the up/down navigation keys to browse
through the note lists.
]DDeelleettee ppaasstt::Select this to delete the expired
schedule notes that have already been notified. You
are asked to confirm this action.
]DDeelleettee aallll::Select this to delete all the schedule
notes and memos. You are asked to confirm this
Phonebook Menu 5.3
You can save phone numbers and their corresponding
names in the memory of your SIM card. In addition,
you can save up to 200 numbers and names in the
phone memory.
Search (Calling from phonebook) (Menu 5.3.1)
11..Select Search. You are asked to enter a name.
22..Enter the start of the name that you wish to find
and press left soft key [Search].
]You can access the phonebook directly by
pressing the down navigation key ( ) in
standby mode.
]You can also scroll through the phonebook from the
beginning, by pressing the left soft key [List] directly.
33..After finding the desired contact, you can make a
call to the number by pressing the key or press the
left soft key [Option] to use the following
]EEddiitt::You can edit the name and number.
]Write messages
- WWrriittee tteexxtt mmeessssaaggee::Use this to write a text
message to the contact.
- WWrriittee mmuullttiimmeeddiiaa mmeessssaaggee::Use this to write a
multimedia message to the contact.
]CCooppyy::Use this to copy the contact entry from SIM
to the phone memory or vice versa.
]MMaaiinn nnuummbbeerr::Select which number will be the
main number. The main number will be displayed
]DDeelleettee::Deletes the contact.