33..After entering the desired URL and title, press the
TTiipp::Use the key and key to enter
symbols. To enter “.”, press .
After selecting a desired bookmark, the following
options are available.
]CCoonnnneecctt ::Connects to the selected bookmark.
]AAdddd nneeww::Select this to create a new bookmark.
]EEddiitt::You can edit the URL and/or the title of the
selected bookmark.
DDeelleettee aallll::Deletes all the bookmarks.
Profiles Menu 8.3
A profile is the network information used to connect to
the Internet.
T-Mobile Internet
This profile is set as default, which connects to the
server via WAP 2.0.
The profile has the following submenu's.
Activates the selected profile.
Use this to edit and change WAP settings for the
selected profile.
- Homepage
This setting allows you to enter the address (URL)
of a site you want to use as homepage. You do not
need to type http:// at the front of each URL as
the WAP Browser will automatically add it.
- Bearer
You can set the bearer data service.
• Data
- Data settings
Appears only if you select Data Settings as a
IIPP aaddddrreessss::Enter the IP address of the WAP
gateway you want.
DDiiaall nnuummbbeerr::Enter the telephone number to dial
to access your WAP gateway.