UUsseerr IIDD::The users identity for your dial-up server
(and NOT the WAP gateway).
PPaasssswwoorrdd::The password required by your dial-up
server (and NOT the WAP gateway) to identify
CCaallll ttyyppee::Select the type of data call : Analogue
of Digital (ISDN)
CCaallll ssppeeeedd::The speed of your data connection ;
9600 or 14400
LLiinnggeerr ttiimmee::You need to enter timeout period.
After entering that, the WAP navigation service will
be unavailable if any data is not input or
- GPRS settings
The service settings are only available when GPRS
is chosen as a bearer service.
IIPP aaddddrreessss::Input the IP address of the WAP
gateway you access.
AAPPNN::Input the APN of the GPRS.
UUsseerr IIDD::The users identify for your APN server.
PPaasssswwoorrdd::The password required by your APN
- Connection type
The options for connection type are Temporary or
Continuous and depend on the gateway you are
A confirmed delivery mechanism but generates
more network traffic.
A non-confirmed (connectionless) service.
Connecting Clients to Server directly in HTTP
- Proxy settings
IIPP aaddddrreessss ::Input the IP address of the Proxy
server you access.
PPoorrtt ::Input the Proxy Port
- DNS settings
Insert the primary and secondary DNS if required
by the network operator.
Primary server
Input the IP address of the primary DNS server you