Add new (Menu 5.3.2)
You can add a phonebook entry using this function.
There are 2 memories: Phone memory and SIM
memory. To select the memory, go to DDeeffaauulltt
mmeemmoorryy[Menu]. The phone memory capacity
is 200 entries. The SIM card memory capacity depends
on the SIM card.
11..You can add new phonebook entries to the SIM
memory or the phone memory. To select the
memory, go to DDeeffaauulltt mmeemmoorryy[Menu].
(Refer to page 58.)
]Adding new entries into SIM memory
You can enter a name and number and select the
required group and an avatar. (Depends on the SIM)
]Adding new entries into the phone memory
You can enter a Name, Numbers, E-mail address and
select the required Group and a Character and select
which number will be the main number.
Caller groups (Menu 5.3.3)
You can list up to 20 contacts per group. There are 7
pre-defined groups, where you can create lists.
11..Select CCaalllleerr ggrroouuppss. All group lists will be
displayed: FFaammiillyy, FFrriieennddss, CCoolllleeaagguueess, VVIIPP,
GGrroouupp 11, GGrroouupp 22and OOtthheerrss.
22..Select the group name that you want to manage by
pressing the left soft key [Option]. The following
submenus will be displayed.
]Member list
Displays the member list in the group.
]Group ring tone
Use this to select the ring tone to be used when
you receive a voice phone call from a person in
the group.
]Group icon
Use this to select the graphic icon to be displayed
when you receive a call from a person in the
]Add member
Add a member to the group. You can add up to
20 members per group.
]Remove member
Removes the member from the group member list.
The contact entry still remains in the phonebook.