

1) C/O Model
Operation Indicator
•ON while in appliance operation, OFF while in appliance pause.
•Flashing while in disconnection or short in Thermistor. (3 sec off / 0.5 sec on)
Timer Indicator
• ON while in timer mode (on/off), OFF when timer mode is completed or canceled.
Comp. Running Incidator
•While in appliance operation, ON while in outdoor unit compressor running, OFF while in compres- sor off.
2)H/P Model
Operation Indicator
•ON while in appliance operation, OFF while in appliance pause.
•Flashing while in disconnection or short in Thermistor. (3 sec off / 0.5 sec on)
Timer Indicator
• ON while in timer mode (on/off), OFF when timer mode is completed or canceled.
Defrost Indicator
•OFF except when hot start during heating mode operation or while in defrost control.
■Cooling Mode Operation
•When the intake air temperature reaches 0.5°C below the setting temp, the compressor and the out- door fan stop.
•When it reaches 0.5°C above the setting temp, they start to operate again.
Compressor ON Temp | ➲ Setting Temp+0.5°C |
Compressor OFF Temp | ➲ Setting |
•While in compressor running, operating with the airflow speed set by the remote control. While in compressor not running, operating with the low airflow speed regardless of the setting.
■Healthy Dehumidification Mode
•When the dehumidification operation input by the remote control is received, the intake air tempera- ture is detected and the setting temp is automatically set according to the intake air temperature.
26°C ≤ | Intake Air Temp | ➲ 25°C |
24°C ≤ | Intake Air Temp<26°C | ➲ Intake Air |
18°C ≤ | Intake Air Temp<24°C | ➲ Intake Air |
Intake Air Temp<18°C | ➲ 18°C |
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