. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)
iSCSI This allows for the user to use the LG Network Storage Blue-ray/DVD drive as a
CD drive. The LG Network Storage iSCSI service allows multiple users’ log-in and
[iSCSI Initiator Installation]
In order to use the iSCSI, the Initiator program must be installed in the computer
A. Initiator Installation on a Windows PC
For Windows XP, download the installation program from the below Microsoft
☞ Website
For Windows Vista, the operating system already includes a program and no
additional installation is required.
B. Initiator Installation on a Linux PC
For Linux, the Initiator may be installed automatically from the website.
For ubuntu Linux, enter
$ sudo apt-get install open-iscsi
and for fedora, enter
$ yum install open-iscsi
to automatically install the Initiator.
☞ Website