. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)
⑤ The task name is saved. (automatically generated)
⑥ The task information description is specified.
⑦ The selected device’s unique ID is displayed. ID specific to the manufacturer
information, product information, etc, are displayed.
⑧ The port with the device is displayed.
⑨ Each time the USB is plugged the USB is automatically recognized and back-up
begins according to the settings. There is no need to press any button as a One
Touch back-up. In the case that USB automatic synchronization is not selected,
once the USB is recognized in the system, a message asking whether to back-
up the USB will pop up on the LCD and back-up begin at the press of the Set
button using the settings information from the Web. (One Touch back-up)
⑩ The backup method is specified.
- Incremental: Backs up only additional information to the data previously
backed up
- Full: Backs up the entire source files.
Folders are created by “back-up date”. For more information, refer to [Incremental
Back-up and Full Back-up] on the back.