. LG Network Storage Web Menu Use (for LG Network Storage administrators)
The UPnP port forwarding is used for LG Network Storage to directly receive
requests from the router connected to the LG Network Storage. Access to the LG
Network Storage from the outside using a DDNS usually requires a special set-up
for the router to forward network requests received by the router to the LG Network
Storage, and the UPnP port forwarding function allows the router to forward data
without a separate router set-up. (This option is only available if the router is such
that supports the UPnP port forwarding function.
① Check whether the address of the router currently connected to the Network
Storage is properly displayed.
② If the router address is properly displayed, it should display whether the router’s
port forwarding function has been activated.
③ Select the ‘Apply’ button.
♣ If the router does not support the UPnP port forwarding function or the function is
deactivated, the UPnP port forwarding may not perform properly.