Configuration Options via Command Line (Cont.)

(Continued from previous page)

Note: If the system is set for RF 64-QAM output, the stream number prompt (see step 2) will allow only four stream options. Streams 1, 2, 3, and 4 are configured by default when 64-QAM output is used, though any four of the OAT100R tuners may be mapped to these streams.

1.At the Tuner Command > prompt, type output and press Enter.

2.At the Enter output stream number (1-8 or 0 for no connect) [#]> prompt, either:

Press Enter to accept the default value (i.e., the current setting) in square brackets.

Type 0 and press Enter to specify “no connection.”

Type in the appropriate stream number and press Enter to remap the tuner output to a different stream.

The system will display confirmation, for example:

Output stream remapped. Tuner is now streaming on output 2.

Note: You can run the “monitor” command, if desired, to review the system settings. Refer to “Monitor the System” on page 44 for further information.

Power the Tuner On or Off

At the Tuner Command > prompt, either:

Type on and press Enter to power ON the tuner. The system will display confirmation, for example:

Powering on Tuner-1: OK

Note that the power ON process may take up to 90 seconds as tuner firmware is reloaded. If desired, you can track the tuner progress via the Tuner Menu “info” command (see “View Tuner Information” on page 43 for further information).

Type off and press Enter to power OFF the tuner. The system will display confirmation, for example:

Powering off Tuner-1: OK

Reset the Tuner

1.At the Tuner Command > prompt, type reset and press Enter. The system will prompt for confirmation:

Do you want to reset the Tuner? [y/n]:


Type y and press Enter to initiate an immediate reset of the tuner (i.e., resynchronize the tuner on the input stream). Note that a tuner reset may take up to 15 seconds.

Type n and press Enter to return to the Tuner Command prompt without resetting the tuner.
