Chapter 4. Book Features
Call History (BOOK
The phone maintains a list of the last 30 calls made, inclusive of Outgoing, Incoming, Missed calls.
The most recent entry is stored at the top. Once all 30 locations are filled, the next entry will drop the oldest entry. Depending on the operating mode and available features, each entry may contain a phone number, name and time stamp (which indicates when the call is generated).
You may see one of the following entries:
Outgoing (BOOK )
Displays outgoing call logs. In this menu, you can
make a call by pressing the .
Incoming (BOOK 
Displays incoming call logs. In this menu, you can
make a call by pressing the .
Missed (BOOK )
Displays missed call logs. In this menu, you can
make a call by pressing the .
Added (BOOK )
Added menu shows the user memo saved on the line .
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Recent Call History List
The phone keeps a list of the last 30 calls you have made, inclusive of Outgoing, Incoming, Missed, or Scratchpad (using the scratch pad feature) calls. You can redial any of these numbers quickly and easily.
1.Press Soft Key 2 BOOK
2.Press [Call History]
3.Example : Press [Outgoing]
4.Press ,
to scroll through the last ten calls until the arrow prompt is at the number
you want to call.
5.You can press to place a call or choose [View] of Soft Key 1 OPT to see the details of the call. You can then choose Soft Key 1 SAVE to save the number to a memory location. If the number already has a name associated with it, it is already entered into a memory location.
Phone Book (BOOK
Find Entry (BOOK 
1.Press Soft Key 2 BOOK
2.Press [Phone Book] [Find Entry]
3.Press Soft Key 1 ALL
4.Press Soft Key 1 VIEW to see specifics in that memory location.
5.Press to make the call.
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