INTERVAL is a Hill workout in which intensity levels rise and fall. The higher levels gradually incline toward a peak and then gradually decline.
SPEED TRAINING is a Hill workout in which the intensity level alternates between high and low levels very quickly to simulate a typical speed training workout.
FOOT HILLS is a rolling hill workout with low intensity levels.
The following workouts are accessed by pressing the PERSONAL TRAINER key :
WATTS (if enabled) targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of Watts. A Watt is a unit of power that measures the amount of mechanical work required to operate a device, such as a Life Fitness stairclimber. It is roughly equal to .25 calories per hour.
METS (if enabled) targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of Mets. A Met is a unit of mea- surement used to express the metabolic rate of work (oxygen consumption per unit of body weight) required to perform a task. One Met is approximately equal to a person’s metabolism when seated and relaxed.
PERSONAL TRAINER WORKOUTS are custom interval or heart rate workouts that may be creat- ed by personal trainers or other authorized fitness club staff members. Up to six different workouts may be programmed and stored in the computer. For more information, see Section 4.4, titled Personal Trainer Workouts.
Different workouts require different setup steps. See the chart titled Life Fitness Stairclimber Workout
Note: A new Life Fitness stairclimber may emit a slight smell during the first few hours of operation as the load resistor heats up for the first time. If the smell persists, contact customer service.
Without networking, press START or simply step on the pedals to activate the console. The MESSAGE CENTER displays the prompt: “SELECT WORKOUT OR PRESS QUICK START”. If it displays a different message, press the CLEAR key twice rapidly.
When the stairclimber is networked, press START or step on the pedals to activate the console. The MESSAGE CENTER displays the prompt: “SELECT WORKOUT OR ENTER ID USING ENTER KEY”. Select a workout, or log on to the networked exercise database, and download the preset workout. To log onto the network, key in the user ID number with the NUMERIC KEYPAD.
QUICK START is the fastest way to begin exercising, and it bypasses the steps of selecting a specific workout. At the MESSAGE CENTER prompt, press the QUICK START key. The workout begins at an intensity level that remains the same unless manually changed.