1 to 9 minutes: A workout with a duration of less than 10 minutes is insufficient for the HILL program to complete all four phases adequately. The program, therefore, condenses a workout of this duration at various stages.
10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations initially are set at 30 seconds for a
20 to 99 minutes: All intervals last 60 seconds. If the user adds minutes to the
The FAT BURN workout is designed to maintain a user’s heart rate at 65 percent of the theoretical maximum† (HRmax) for optimal results. Throughout the workout, the user wears a chest strap or grasps the Lifepulse sensors. If the user is not wear- ing a chest strap, the WORKOUT PROGRESS SCREEN displays a heart shape, and the Message Area prompts the user to grasp the sensors. The console continuously monitors and displays the heart rate, adjusting the intensity level of the treadmill to reach and maintain the target* (See note below). This workout uses the body’s fat stores and carbohydrates as sources of fuel. A high percentage of total expended energy is from fat.
The CARDIO workout is virtually identical to FAT BURN; however the target heart rate* is calculated at 80 percent of the theoretical maximum† (HRmax) and more calories from fat are burned in this workout. The user wears a chest strap or grips the Lifepulse system sensors. The higher target promotes cardiovascular improvement by placing a heavier work- load on the heart muscle.
NOTE: The intensity level is changed by incline. Speed can be only changed by the user. Change the target heart rate at any time by using the arrow keys under the THR, or by touching the THR button to access the Target Heart Rate Workout Setup Screen.
This program combines the standard HILL workout profile with the concept of Heart Rate Zone Training. The default tar- get heart rate* is calculated as 80 percent of the theoretical maximum† (HRmax), but the user can adjust the target rate during the workout setup. All hills and valleys are percentages of HRmax. The workout consists of three hills that target three heart rate goals: The first hill brings the heart rate to 70 percent of HRmax. The second hill increases the rate to 75 percent of HRmax. The third hill matches the Target Heart Rate bringing the heart rate to 80 percent of HRmax. The val- ley always is defined as 65 percent of HRmax.
70% HRmax
| 80% HRmax |
| 75% HRmax |
Hill |
| Hill |
Valley | Valley | Valley |
65% HRmax | 65%85%HRmaxTHR | 65% HRmax | 65% HRmax |
| HEART RATE HILL Workout Profile |
| |
| 144 BPM |
| 135 BPM |
| 127 BPM |
117 BPM | 117 BPM | 117 BPM | 117 BPM |
User Example: 80 percent of theoretical maximum (HRmax) (40 year old / 144 recommended BPM)
After a standard
†Defined by the American College of Sports Medicine's "Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription" as equal to 220 minus an individual’s age.
*Target Heart Rate (THR) is a percentage of the theoretical maximum. For example, a