7.1.12 HILL
The Life Fitness patented Hill workout offers the ideal configuration for interval training: periods of intense aerobic activity separated by regular intervals of
Each Hill workout session comprises the following phases:
NOTE: Check the pulse at the Heart Rate (HR) Check Points (following the Plateau and Interval Training phases) to ensure that the heart rate has entered and remained within the target heart rate zone.
Plateau: Increases heart rate so that it is within target zone. Check the heart rate to ensure that it has entered the target zone.
Interval Training: A series of hills and valleys. During this portion of the workout, the user is confronted with a series of successively steeper hills, each separated from the next by a valley or recovery period. Check the heart rate to ensure that it has remained within the target zone.
Effort and recovery periods are simulated on the display console by columns of red lights in the workout Profile window. Each column represents one interval and 20 intervals comprise the workout. The columns move from right to left during the workout. The higher the column, the higher the resistance. Consequently, the effort must be increased to continue training.
1 to 9 minutes: Because workouts with durations of less than 10 minutes are insufficient for the Hill workout to complete all four phases adequately, the workout condenses at various stages in order to meet the chosen workout time.
10 to 19 minutes: The interval durations are initially set at 30 seconds for a
20 to 99 minutes: All intervals last 60 seconds. As minutes are added, additional hills and valleys are presented beyond the initial four of the interval training phase. The additional hills and valleys will follow the form of the first four, dropping back down to the level of the very first hill encountered and progressing in height every two minutes until the highest hill is reached again. This process repeats until the workout duration is met.
This workout makes the most of the Life Fitness
For an upper body workout that works all the muscles in the arms, the console directs the user to push and pull the handlebar arms at various times. The console will also vary the workout between total body and
To maximize a
To vary the
calves, hips and buttocks.