KA1373 POWER PLUG KIT - Provides a plug for each receptacle.
K857 8.5m or K857-20 20m (100ft.) REMOTE CONTROL - Portable control provides same dial range as the output control on the welder from a location up to the specified length from the welder. Has convenient plug for easy connection to the welder. The Vantage 575 is equipped with a 6-pin connector for connecting the remote control.
KIT 1700 - Includes 10m (35ft) of electrode cable and 9m (30ft) of work cable.
KIT 400 - Includes Flip front helmet, cooltong electrode holder, work clamp, wire brush and chipping hammer.
K953-1 TRAILER - Two-wheeled trailer. There is a choice of 2 hitches.
Order: K953-1 Trailer
K958-1 Ball Hitch
K958-2 Lunette Eye Hitch
K965-1 Cable Rack
K887-1 ETHER START KIT - Provides maximum cold weather starting assistance for frequent starting below -4°C (25°F).
Required Ether tank is not provided with kit. (Cannot be used with
K1858-1 Service Indicator Kit at the same time.)
K1847-1 SPARK ARRESTOR KIT - Easily mounts to standard
K949-2 OIL DRAIN KIT - Includes ball valve, hose and clamp.
K1768-2 Dual Output Meters - Dual output meters provide preset ability of voltage for wire welding and current for stick welding. Measures both current and voltage when welding.
K1858-1 Service Indicator Kit - Provides a GO / NO-GO visual indication of air cleaner element useful service life. Filter service based on restriction readings allows the longest life possible from the filter and best engine protection. (Cannot be used with K887- 1 Ether Start Kit at the same time.)