•ARC ESTABLISHED LED goes on when the arc is fully established and goes out if the arc goes out.
•START LED is on from the time the arc is estab- lished until current begins to go up (soft start) or down (hot start). Note that the Start LED is off during upslope if a soft start is used.
•PEAK LED goes on after the Start period. If the Pulse switch is on, the Peak LED goes off dur- ing the Background periods. The Peak LED and Background LED will alternate when pulsing.
•BACKGROUND LED is on during the Background (low pulse) period of pulsing.
•CRATER FILL LED is on during the
NOTE: An LED will light in response to the control cir- cuit command, even if other components do not work. For example, if the gas supply is turned off or the gas solenoid valve malfunctions or the fuse is blown, the gas will not flow even though the Gas and Water LED lights up. Another example is the High Frequency LED which can light, yet there will not be high frequency due to a blown fuse or defective high frequency circuit or spark gaps set too large.
The Status Indicator LEDs are useful for understanding which functions are active during a weld sequence and for how long. They are useful for setting times of the controls on the Function Panel. See Figure B.2.
The Status Indicator LED circuit board includes a receptacle for plugging in the circuit board included with the Optional Interface Kit.