English Manual
♦End IP: The end IP address of DHCP Server
♦Subnet Mask: The default value is
♦Default Gateway: The default value is
♦DNS Server: The default value is
<Wireless Setup>
♦Wireless LAN: The default value is “Enable”
♦Region: default value is “Worldwide”.
♦SSID: SSID string, max. Length is 32 bytes.
♦SSID Broadcast: The default value is “Enable”
♦Channel: to set fixed channel or Auto. The “Auto” means after power on WPS, it will scan all of wireless channel and select clear one channel automatically.
♦Encryption: you can select “Disable” or one of WEP/WPA/WPA2 64bit or 128bit in ASCII or HEX string.
♦Key: If Encryption is enabled, you have to set key value according to the encryption mode you selected.
Gatekeeper is designed for ensuring the enterprise network security within WPS box
♦All Block can block Guest Users(through wireless) to access all office network(LAN),
♦All Allow can pass Guest Users(through wireless) to access all office network
♦Internet Only can block Guest Users (through wireless) from office network (LAN) but still reserve internet connection capability.
<Apply >: press button to select this mode
<Cancel>: press button to abort action.
<Back>: Back to Operating mode main menu