8.Remove the Driver diskette and click Yes to restart Windows to complete driver installation.
For Existing Windows ME Systems
1.After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up Windows.
2.At the Add New Hardware Wizard, check Specify the location of the driver (advanced), and click Next.
3.Insert the Driver diskette, check Specify a location, uncheck the other boxes, type in A:\, and click Next.
4.Click Next and then Finish.
Verification of the Proper Installation for Windows 98/98SE/ME
1.Double click My Computer/Control Panel/System. Click Device Manager tab.
2.Double click SCSI Controllers, Silicon Image
should be listed.
3.Highlight Silicon Image
4.3. Windows NT 4.0 Driver Installation
For New Windows NT 4.0 System
1.After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, follow Microsoft procedures to install Windows accordingly.
2.At the Windows
3.Press S, select Other, then press Enter.
4.Insert the Driver diskette and press Enter.
5.Select Silicon Image
6.Press Enter to continue and follow
Add Windows NT 4.0 Driver on Original Booting Device
1.After the SATA RAID PCI Host Adapter and attached drives are configured, boot up Windows. Double click My Computer/Control Panel/SCSI Adapters, then click the Drivers tab.
2.Click Add… then Have Disk....
3.Insert the Driver diskette into the floppy drive and type in A:\, then click OK.
4.Highlight Silicon Image
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