Using Your Feet • So What Do All These Buttons and Pedals Do?
3.Amp 1 - Amp 2: (Shortboard owners, apply the included sticker to label these controls.) When one amp is on, kick the other amp’s switch to turn that other amp on instead. Or when one amp is on, kick that amp’s switch to turn both amps on. And if both amps are on, kick either switch to switch to having only that amp on.
4.Reverb: Switches Duoverb’s reverb on and off.
5.Tuner: Press and hold this switch until you see the tuner on the pedal’s display. Press it again to exit tuner mode.
6.FX Loop: Turns Duoverb’s Effects Loop on or off.
7. Wah and Volume Lights: Show that a pedal is ready to control Wah or Volume. | 4 • 3 |
8.FBV Shortboard Pedal: Press a pedal fully forward to click the
9.External Pedal Jack: You can connect an expression pedal (such as the Line 6
10.FBV Pedals: Press a pedal forward to click the
11.Favorite Channel (FBV only): Recalls a channel of your choice no matter what bank you are currently using. To make a channel your favorite, select that channel, then press and hold the favorite switch until the display shows
Note: Any switches not being used by your Duoverb do send MIDI messages and can be used to control other devices. See the MIDI Appendix for details.
Flip the page for details on saving and naming your Duoverb sounds with your FBV....