Linksys BEFCMU10 manual Driver Files Search Results

Models: BEFCMU10

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Cable Modem with USB and Ethernet Connections

6.On the Driver Files Search Results screen, click the Next button.

7.When Windows 2000 has finished installing the driver, the Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard screen will appear. Click the Finish button.

8.The Windows 2000 driver installation is complete. Contact your cable ISP to activate your account. Your cable ISP will need the MAC address for the Cable Modem in order to set up your account. The 12-digit MAC address is printed on a bar code label on the bottom of the Cable Modem. Once you have given them this number, your cable ISP should be able to activate your account.

Congratulations! The installation of the Cable Modem is complete.

Figure 5-4: Driver Files Search Results

Figure 5-5: Driver Installation Complete

NOTE: To activate your high-speed Internet account, you must contact your cable ISP after you have connected the Cable Modem.

Chapter 5: Installing the USB Driver for Windows 2000


Instructions for Installing the Driver

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Linksys BEFCMU10 manual Driver Files Search Results